Chapter 5 part 1

Depuis le début

"Hello, what's your name?" He spoke quiet enough for the hero to not hear him, but loud enough for the girl to understand what he said.

The girl perked up and stepped a few excited steps out of the hallway.

"I'm Ellie! What was my dad doing to your stomach?"

"Your dad huh?" The villain spoke more to himself than to the girl.

"Well, Ellie, your dad is just helping me out. I got a small boo-boo and he's  helping me make it all better"

Despite his appearance and reputation, the villain was surprisingly good with kids. He used to want one of his own but he couldn't imagine having one with all the 'villain' business going on.

The girls eyes made their way to the villains arm and she let out a gasp. She ran over, hopped up on the couch, and grabbed his arm multiple inches above the injury.

"What happened here?!" The girls voice was now loud and more high pitched.

The villain quickly looked back to assure the hero hadn't heard it.

"Careful with that, it hasn't been cleaned or patched up yet"

The girl looked up at him, eyes filled with both sadness and curiosity. She removed her hands from the villains arm and put them into her lap.

"Some bad people tried to fight me and shot me in the arm-"

"With a gun?!" The girl raised her voice once again her eyes traveling to the villains wound once again.

"Yes, yes, with a gun. That's why you stay out of alleys and don't get involved with gangs, otherwise you'll get hurt like me. You understand?"

The girl, Ellie, nodded furiously, her eyes never leaving the villains arm.


The villain quickly pulled his mask up before turning to the hero who was standing still with a glass of water in his hand. He didn't stand there long before rushing over and snatching Ellie off the couch, setting her down on the ground behind him. He had completely forgotten about the pain in his leg and didn't even limp.

"What were you doing with her?!"

The hero stared at the villain with anger practically oozing out of him. The villain was frozen, not giving a response. He whipped around to address the girl.

"What did he do to you? Did he hurt you?" His voice coated itself with care as he spoke to his daughter.

"Calm down man, I didn't do nothin to her" the villain spoke calmly.

"Really? The villain didn't do anything? Why do you think I'd believe that?!"

The hero was now crouched down beside his daughter, but was staring straight at the villain. Anger had overtaken him and he wasn't willed to believe anything that came out of the villains mouth.

"He was telling me how you helped him with his boo-boo because he got into a fight" the girl spoke shyly, looking at the floor.

"He let me look at his arm, it was shot with a gun" the girl finally looked up at her father.

The hero put his hands on his daughters shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"You know you can tell me anything. He didn't hurt you at all?"

The girl shook her head vigorously. The villain smirked, imagining the hero's embarrassment after accusing him so hard of hurting his kid and being wrong.

"Did he tell you to do anything? What exactly did he tell you?" The hero continued on asking questions frantically.

"He said some bad people tried to fight him and that's got he got hurt. He said I should stay out of alleys and avoid gangs or I'd get hurt too" Her voice was quiet and her eyes never left her fathers face.

The hero sighed and stood up. He glanced at the villain who hadn't moved from his place on the couch. The villain returned the hero's gaze and smirked, forgetting the hero couldn't see his smile behind the mask. 

The hero grabbed the girls hand and tried to lead her back into the hallway she came from. The villain assumed the hero was taking her back to her bedroom.

"Noo! I don't wanna go back to my room!" The girl pouted.

Her legs went limp below her. This made the hero be dragged back a few inches, trying to lift her back up by her arm.

"Please don't be like this. You can't stay in here right now." The hero pleaded with the girl.

"I wanna stay with him! He's my friend!"

Ellie pointed at the villain and curled her bottom lip. She looked up at her father with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah hero, we're friends" the villain added smugly.

The hero looked at the villain with wide eyes. He brought up one hand up to his face and held up his pointer in front of his mouth. He the word 'no' and dropped his hand. His eyes went back to his kid. Her face was nothing but oblivious.

"You just can't be in here right now, please don't make me carry you back to your room."

The girl looked up at her dad from the floor. The crossed her arms and made a 'humph' sound.

The villain picked himself up from the couch slowly, wincing at the few shocks of pain that went through his body. He only took a few steps forward before the hero noticed him and put his hand out.

"Don't go near her" the spoke quietly, not allowing his daughter to hear.

"Chill out, you really think I'd hurt a kid?" The villain asked. His own remark hurt him a little. He didn't hurt anyone. He never hurt anyone for any reason besides self defense.

His face scrunched as the memory of the woman he killed flashed into his mind, but he pushed it away quickly. That was by far the last thing he wanted to think about at the moment.

The hero gave the villain a look of certainty, basically saying 'of course I do! You're the villain!'

"Ouch. Anyways I don't have any weapons on me. Even if I did try something you could whip out that pocket knife and stop me" the villain glanced at the hero's pocket where he was keeping the knife.

"How did you.. whatever, you're not going near my-" the hero stopped and bit down on his lip regretfully.

"You're not going near her" the hero repeated.

"Her? You mean your daughter?" The villain teased and laughed a bit seeing the hero's face.

"She's not my daughter." The hero spat, glancing at the girl to make sure she wasn't going to correct him.

"Don't bother lying man, she already told me"

"She did what? No she didn't!" He looked down at his daughter frantically.

"Well she had to refer to you somehow right? Did you expect her to come in here asking 'what was Samuel doing to your stomach?'" The villain mocked before realizing what he had said.

The hero looked up at him silently. His eyes were wider than the villain had ever seen them and his eyebrows were scrunched together. His breathing quickened as he remained unmoving, staring at the villain.

The villain sighed, regretting ever opening his mouth. He turned to Ellie, who was still sitting on the ground, and began to speak

"Hey Ellie, how about you go back to your room for just a little bit? I promise you can come back in here soon but me and your dad need to talk, okay?"

Ellie looked up at the villain with sad eyes.

"You promise I can come back?" She questioned.

"I promise"

And with that Ellie got up off the ground and dragged her feet back to her room.

The villain looked back at the hero who hadn't calmed down much at all.

"Cmon, we can talk about it" the villain said and turned to go back to the couch.


Sorry if the lengths of chapters is inconsistent. I just write until a good time to go to the next part. Anyways I hope y'all r enjoying ❤️❤️

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