The Unlikely Duo: Alexander and Scarlett's Extraordinary Friendship Journey

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I hear the sound of Ava's door creaking open, and I know it's time to start the day. I go into her room, still feeling a mix of emotions, and I smile as I see her sleepy face peeking out from under her covers. "Good morning, sweetie!" I say, trying to sound cheerful. "It's time to get up, we've got a big day ahead of us." She groans a little, but I know that once she's up and moving, she'll be as excited as I am.

As we eat our breakfast together, I can't help but notice how Ava is fidgeting in her seat, barely able to contain her excitement. I feel my nerves start to settle, and I know that today is going to be a good day. After breakfast, we get ready to leave. I get Ava dressed, and we pack up our things. As we head out the door, I can feel my heart start to race again. But I take a deep breath and tell myself to stay calm.

We pull up to the school and I turn off the engine, my heart beating a little faster as I see Alexander standing outside the front doors. But something is different - he's not in his usual suit, but instead is dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I'm a little taken aback, but I push my confusion aside and we get out of the car. "Alexander, I didn't expect to see you here!" I say, my voice a little higher than usual. "What are you doing here"?

"I thought it would be nice to come and see Ava off on her first day back to school," Alexander says, a small smile playing on his lips as he pats Ava's hair softly. "I was planning on dropping her off and then heading back to work, but then I realized you wouldn't let me do that." I laugh, realizing that he's right. I would have never let him drop her off at school, it's not like we're that close. "Well there was no need," I say

As Alexander pats Ava's hair, I can see her eyes light up. She looks at me, and then back at him, and I can tell she's trying to figure out what to do. "Hi, Alexander!" she says, her voice full of excitement. "What are you doing here?" He smiles at her, and I can see the genuine affection in his eyes. "I thought I'd come and see you off on your first day of school," he says, his voice gentle. "How's that sound?" Ava nods eagerly, and my heart swells with happiness.

As we make our way into the school, I can feel the eyes of the other parents on us. I know they're wondering who Alexander is, and why he's with us. But I don't care what they think. As long as Ava is happy to have him here. We say goodbye to Ava, and she runs off to join her friends. I turn to look at Alexander, and I can see the questions in his eyes. I know he wants to know what just happened, and why I seem so relaxed around him.

"I know this must be strange for you," I say, looking at him with a shy smile. "But I've been thinking about what you said the other day, and I realized that it's not a bad thing to be friends, even if we don't have the same feelings for each other." He looks at me, a thoughtful expression on his face. "So, you're saying that you're okay with just being friends?" he asks, his voice cautious but hopeful.

"Just friends," I say, and I see the relief in his eyes. "I know we have a connection, and I think it's a good thing to have in our lives. But I also know that we're not meant to be together in that way." He nods, understanding what I'm saying. "I'm glad we can have that," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. "And I'm happy to be your friend if that's what you want." I feel a warmth spread through me, and I know that we've made the right decision.

We say our goodbyes, and I watch as he gets into his car and drives away. I take a deep breath, feeling a sense of contentment. I know that this is just the beginning of our friendship, and I hope it stays that way. As I drive home, I feel a sense of peace, and I know that I've made the right decision. I know that we'll be better off as friends.

The weeks pass by, and Alexander continues to come by to drop off Ava in the mornings. I see the way he interacts with her, and I can tell that he genuinely cares about her. I start to feel more comfortable around him, and I find myself opening up to him more and more. He listens to me, and I feel like I can trust him. But despite all of this, I'm still afraid to let him into my heart. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to let him in completely.

I know that part of the reason I'm hesitant to trust Alexander is because of what I went through in my marriage. I was in a bad place, and I made some poor decisions. I don't want to repeat those mistakes, and I'm afraid that if I let my guard down, I'll end up in the same place again. But I also know that I can't keep myself closed off forever. I have to take a chance at some point.

As I'm deliberating over what to do while walking into the cafe, my phone rings. I see that it's Alexander, and I hesitate before answering. "Hi, Alexander," I say, trying to sound casual. "What's up?" "Hi, Scarlett," he says, and I can hear the hesitation in his voice. "I'm having a bit of an issue. I'm trying to bake a cake, and I just can't seem to get it right. I was wondering if you could come over and help me out?"

"Didn't you go to work today?" I asked him. "I'm not working today," he says, sounding a bit sheepish. "I took the day off because I wanted to try this cake. I know it sounds silly, but it's been bothering me. I can't get it right, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong." I'm a bit taken aback by his honesty, but I'm also touched by his vulnerability. "I can come over," I say, feeling a little nervous. "But only if you promise not to make fun of my baking skills." He laughs, and I hear the relief in his voice.

"That's so kind of you, Scarlett," he says, his voice full of gratitude. "I can send my driver to pick you up." I shake my head, even though he can't see me. "No, that's okay," I say, trying to sound firm. "I'll just get an Uber or I'll drive. But I'll need your address." He gives it to me, and I write it down. I feel a strange mix of anticipation and trepidation as I head out the door.

When I ring the doorbell, it's Alexander who answers. He's wearing an apron, and there's a smear of flour on his cheek. His hair is tousled, and he's not wearing a shirt under his apron. I can't help but notice the shape of his body, and I feel a flutter of something in my stomach. I quickly shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. "Sorry about the mess," he says, looking a little embarrassed. "I'm a bit of a disaster in the kitchen."

I let out a chuckle, and I know that it's relieving the tension. "You look like you've been through a flour bomb attack," I say, grinning at him. He laughs, too, and the sound is warm and genuine. "You have no idea," he says, leading me into the kitchen. "It's been a very eventful morning, to say the least." I look around, taking in the state of the kitchen. There's flour on the countertops, the floor, and even the walls.

I look at him, one eyebrow raised. "Are you sure you should be allowed in the kitchen again?" I ask, only half-joking. He puts a hand to his chest, feigning offense. "I'm wounded!" he says, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'll have you know that I'm a very capable cook. This is just a small setback." I shake my head, still smiling. "I'll believe it when I see it," I say, and I can tell that he's enjoying the banter.

We spend the next few hours baking together, and I'm surprised to find that he's quite good at it. He has a knack for measuring ingredients and following recipes. And while he makes a mess of the kitchen, he cleans it up thoroughly afterward. I'm impressed by his dedication and attention to detail. It's a side of him that I haven't seen before. "I think we make a pretty good team," he says, as we look at the finished product. "Maybe we should start our bakery."

I burst out laughing, shaking my head. "No way!" I exclaim. "I like my kitchen in one piece, thank you very much. You're much too chaotic for me to work with." He grins, unapologetic. "I guess that means you'll just have to keep me around for my personality, then," he says, and there's a twinkle in his eye. I roll my eyes, but I can't deny that he's charming and funny.

"Would you like to take a look around?" he asks, as he heads to the bathroom to wash off the flour. "I think you'll be surprised by what you see." I'm a bit hesitant, but I decide to take him up on his offer. I walk around his penthouse, and I'm amazed by the space. It's large and luxurious, with a view of the city skyline that takes my breath away. I can tell that he's proud of his home, and I can't help but be impressed.

As I walk around the penthouse, I come across a picture frame on a shelf. It's a photo of a little girl, and she looks just like Ava. I'm stunned, why does she look so much like Ava?

Was it possible that Ava was somehow connected to the Alexander family? And if so, what did that mean for me and Ava?

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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