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As the woman sauntered into the room, Alexander's stepbrother Luca stood up, a look of irritation on his face. "This is my fiancée, Bella," he said, his tone clipped. Bella flashed him a smile that was more of a smirk, and she turned her gaze back to Alexander. "It's so nice to finally meet you," she said, her tone syrupy sweet. Scarlett could tell that Bella was making a deliberate effort to flirt with Alexander.

As Bella continued to look at Scarlett with a haughty, questioning expression, Scarlett decided to take the high road. She remained polite and composed, refusing to engage in Bella's petty mind games. She focused on her food, her posture straight and her chin held high. She could feel Bella's eyes burning into her, but she refused to give her the satisfaction of reacting.

As Bella continued to stare at Scarlett, Alexander's father cleared his throat. "Bella, please show some respect for our guest," he said, his voice firm. "We're all here to enjoy a nice meal together, and I won't tolerate any disrespect." Bella's smirk vanished, and she looked down at her plate, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Scarlett felt a twinge of satisfaction, but she didn't let it show on her face.

Under the table, Alexander reached for Scarlett's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. The touch was reassuring, and it helped to calm Scarlett's nerves. She knew that he was on her side and that he would protect her from Bella's snarky comments. She felt a surge of gratitude for Alexander, and she squeezed his hand back, letting him know that she appreciated his support.

Just as Scarlett was starting to relax, Alexander's stepmother spoke up, her voice saccharine sweet. "Oh, Bella, we're all so proud of you," she gushed, her tone dripping with false affection. "Your father is running for president, and we know you'll be such an asset to his campaign." Bella preened under the praise, and she flashed Scarlett a smug smile. Scarlett resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead taking a deep breath and focusing on her food.

"Thank you so much, Mother," Bella said, her voice dripping with smugness. "I'm so honored to be part of such a prestigious campaign. I'm sure my father will make a fantastic president." She continued to prattle on, her words full of self-importance. Alexander's jaw clenched, and he glared at his stepmother, his expression thunderous. Scarlett could tell that he was angry at the way Bella was bragging about her father's campaign.

As Bella continued to brag, Luca spoke up, his voice smug and condescending. "At least my bride-to-be is someone of value, not some nobody," he said, glancing pointedly at Scarlett. The comment was meant to insult her, and Scarlett felt her blood boil. She bit her tongue, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response. Alexander's expression darkened, and he sat up straighter, his gaze fixed on his stepbrother and stepmom.

Alexander's father cleared his throat, his tone was stern. "That's enough from both of you," he said, his voice brooking no argument. "We're here to enjoy a nice meal and spend time together as a family. This is a yearly tradition for the Blackwoods, and I will not have it ruined by petty squabbling." The table fell silent, the tension thick in the air. Scarlett felt grateful to Mr. Blackwood for putting an end to the unpleasantness.

As the last course was cleared from the table, Mr. Blackwood stood up and addressed the group. "I'd like to thank everyone for coming," he said, his voice full of gratitude. "It's been a lovely evening, and I'm glad we were able to spend some time together." He looked directly at Scarlett, his eyes warm and appreciative. "And thank you, Scarlett, for joining us. I hope you had a good time." Scarlett smiled, her heart filled with warmth. "Of course I did"

As Alexander's stepmother and step-sister Hannah stood up to leave, he walked over to them and gave Hannah both a warm hug. "Goodnight, Hannah," he said, his tone cordial.

Alexander's stepbrother left the room, and it was just him, Scarlett, and Bella left at the table. The room was silent for a moment, the air between them still a bit charged. Alexander broke the silence, turning to Scarlett. "Would you like to stay a while longer, or would you like me to take you home?" he asked, his voice gentle. Scarlett considered his question, weighing her options.

Scarlett decided that she would like to go home. She was tired from the long evening, and she just wanted to relax in the comfort of her own home. As she made her decision, she noticed that Bella was giving Alexander a flirtatious look, her eyes full of invitation. Alexander didn't seem to notice, his focus on Scarlett. Scarlett felt a small sense of triumph, knowing that she had his attention, not Bella.

Alexander escorted Scarlett to his car and drove her home, the ride was silent but comfortable. When they arrived at her apartment, he turned to her, his expression serious but kind. "Thank you again for coming tonight," he said, his voice soft. "It was a pleasure having you there." Scarlett smiled, her heart fluttering a bit. "Don't mention," she said, her voice low and sincere.

As Scarlett unlocked the door to her apartment, she was greeted by the sight of Sophia and Ava, fast asleep on the couch in the living room. Scarlett smiled, her heart filled with love. She gently lifted Ava into her arms, carrying her to her bedroom and tucking her into bed. She kissed her forehead and turned off the light, closing the door behind her. She then went to check on Sophia, who was also sleeping soundly.

As Scarlett sat on the edge of her bed, she sipped her water and reflected on the evening. Alexander's family was certainly an interesting one, full of drama and intrigue.
She thought about what it would be like to have that kind of closeness with someone, to have a family to call her own. A twinge of sadness crept into her heart.

As Scarlett thought about Alexander's family, she realized that, despite their many flaws, Mr. Blackwood and Hannah were the only ones who seemed to have any redeeming qualities. Alexander's father was kind and considerate, and his stepsister seemed to genuinely love her brother. The others, however, seemed selfish and self-absorbed. Scarlett wondered if they would ever change.

As Scarlett thought about Alexander's mother, she couldn't help but feel a little sad. From what Mr. Alexander had told her, his mother had passed away when he was a young boy, and he had never really recovered from the loss. She imagined what it must have been like for him, growing up without a mother figure in his life. She felt a wave of sympathy for him, and a sudden urge to comfort him.

The realization that she was feeling sympathy for Alexander unsettled Scarlett. She was confused and conflicted, unsure of how to process her emotions. On one hand, she couldn't deny that she felt a connection to him, a bond that went beyond simple friendship. But on the other hand, she was wary of becoming too close to him, given his reputation as a playboy. She didn't want to get hurt, but she couldn't deny the pull she felt toward him.

Despite her conflicted feelings, Scarlett knew that it was best to keep her distance from Mr. Alexander. She reminded herself that he was known for being a player, for not being able to commit to anyone. She couldn't risk getting hurt by him, no matter how much she might be drawn to him. She had worked too hard to build a life for herself and Ava to risk it all on a man who might not be able to give her what she needed.

With a heavy heart, Scarlett lay down in bed and closed her eyes. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought about all the things that could go wrong if she let herself get too close to Mr. Alexander. But despite her best efforts, she couldn't shake the feeling that something special was happening between them. In the end, she resolved to keep her distance from him.

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