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As they drove to the event, Scarlett couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and peace. Alexander's chivalry and kindness were a breath of fresh air, and she felt herself relaxing in his presence. It had been years since she had felt this way, and it was a welcome change from the stress of running her cafe.

As they entered the event, Scarlett was immediately struck by the opulence of the surroundings. Chandeliers glisten overhead and waiters circulate with trays of champagne and hors d'oeuvres. They are approached by a tall, thin man in a dark suit who introduces himself as the host of the event. "Mr. Alexander, it's a pleasure to meet you," he says, his voice smooth and charming. "Welcome, Please enjoy yourselves."

Scarlett couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the grandeur of the event. She had been expecting a small, intimate gathering, not a lavish gala. She glanced at Mr. Alexander, wondering if he had known about the true nature of the event. But he wasn't surprised, his expression was stern.
The host leads them to a table where they can sit and enjoy the evening's entertainment.

Mr. Alexander leaned in close to Scarlett and whispered, "I had no idea this would be such an elaborate affair. My family always goes all out for gatherings like this. Don't worry, I'll make sure you have a good time." His words were reassuring, and Scarlett found herself feeling calmer in his presence. She took a deep breath and followed him to the table.

As they approached the table, a tall, dark-haired man stood up to greet them. "Alexander, my dear illegitimate brother," he said, his tone mocking and condescending. Mr. Alexander's face turned red with anger, but he forced himself to remain calm. "Hello, Luca," he said, his voice tight with barely-concealed fury. Luca was Alexander's half-brother, and they had never gotten along. Luca always tried to humiliate Alexander in front of others.

As if on cue, a distinguished-looking man with a regal bearing approached the table, accompanied by a beautiful woman and a young girl who looked to be about Ava's age. The man was Alexander's father, Mr Blackwood and the woman was his stepmother. The girl was his half-sister. "Hello, Alexander," the man said, his voice booming with authority. "And this must be the lovely Ms. Scarlett."

Alexander's stepmother, on the other hand, looked at him with a cold, calculating gaze. She had no affection for him, and she seemed to be assessing him with a critical eye. His half-sister, however, was beaming with delight. She ran up to Alexander and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "I'm so glad you're here!" she exclaimed, her voice full of excitement. Alexander returned the hug, surprised by her affection.

Alexander pulled his half-sister onto his lap and kissed her on the cheek. "It's good to see you, too," he said, his voice warm and sincere. She looked up at him, her eyes full of adoration. "You haven't visited in so long!" she said, pouting playfully. "I know, and I'm sorry about that," Mr. Alexander said, feeling a twinge of guilt. "I've been very busy with work, but I promise I'll make more time for you in the future."

As Alexander and his half-sister shared this sweet moment, his stepmother cleared her throat, her expression disapproving. "Hannah, come sit by me, dear," she said, gesturing to the empty seat next to her. The little girl looked disappointed, but she did as she was told. Alexander could feel the tension in the air, and he did his best to ignore it. He didn't want to let his stepmother ruin this moment with his sister.

As Alexander's father watched the exchange between his son and daughter, he turned his attention to Scarlett. "Alex son, I didn't know you were bringing anyone with you," he said, his tone polite but firm. "This is a first." Mr. Alexander could tell that his father was trying to assert his authority, and he bristled at the implication that he had done something wrong. "I already told you she was coming," he said, his tone challenging.

Alexander's father paused for a moment, and then a small smile appeared on his face. "I'm just teasing you, my boy," he said, his tone more relaxed. "I'm quite happy to see you with someone. I never thought I'd live to see the day when you brought a woman home to meet the family. "Alexander felt his defenses drop, and he couldn't help but laugh. "You're incorrigible, Father," he said, shaking his head.

As Scarlett observed this exchange between Alexander and his father, she was struck by the love and respect they had for each other, despite their occasional bickering. She found herself admiring the bond they shared, and she felt a pang of longing for her own family, who were no more, the only family she had right now was Ava, the only person she loved the most in the world. For a moment, she felt like an outsider, but Mr. Alexander's gaze met hers.

Alexander turned to his family and gestured to Scarlett. "Everyone, this is Scarlett," he said, his tone warm and proud. "She's a good friend of mine, and I'm very glad to have her here tonight." His family members stood up and greeted Scarlett with smiles and handshakes. His stepmother still looked frosty. Scarlett felt her nervousness subside, and she smiled back at everyone.

Scarlett greeted each of Alexander's family members in turn, making sure to make eye contact and smile. She introduced herself as warmly as possible, and she tried to put them at ease. "It's lovely to meet you all," she said, her voice sincere. "Alexander has told me so much about you." The family members seemed to relax a bit more, and they all took their seats again. Alexander gave Scarlett a grateful look, and she felt a flutter in her stomach.

Alexander's father stood up again, this time with a glass of champagne in his hand. "I'd like to propose a toast," he said, his voice clear and strong. "To new friends, and to old bonds that continue to grow stronger." The family members all raised their glasses, and they clinked them together. Scarlett felt a wave of emotion wash over her, and she raised her glass as well, feeling a sense of belonging that she hadn't felt in a long time.

Just as the family was about to sit down and enjoy their meal, the door to the dining room opened and a young woman walked in, her outfit revealing more skin than was considered appropriate. "I'm so sorry I'm late," she said, her voice breathy and flirtatious. "I hope you'll forgive me." She looked around the room, her gaze lingering on Alexander. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.


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