#35 Babys coming!

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A few months later

Audrey was getting a break off school for her baby as the baby was due in two weeks. She was very nervous I think, I mean who wouldn't be? It's her first time pushing out a human being. This whole week she's non stop been sick and slept.

We were sitting together on the bed before Audrey gasped. I looked at her to see a wet patch on the sheets and her holding on to her tummy. Shit shit shit. I ain't prepared for this! I took a minute to mentally prepare myself as she looked at me and screamed. "What the fuck Harry now isn't the time to daydream!"

Later on in life I write a song about that moment.
'Daydreaming.' Audrey almost beat me up for making it into a song.

I lifted her up and took her bag that she had packed for the hospital. Skincare, makeup, some kinda breastfeeding stuff... was this needed? Probably not but girls are girls.

I rushed her into the car as we were both exited but I was absolutely shitting myself.

Audrey's POV

I took deep breaths looking out the window of the car. Would I be a good mother? Do I deserve this... not everyday you have a baby with Harry Styles. My parents don't even know I'm home. Never mind having a baby! I don't think they care anyway.

We got into the most expensive hospital in the area and I was immediately rushed to the emergency room. Harry stood at the side while Halle showed up too. Soon Alex came.

"How do yo- I told her." Halle said. Bitch. I felt a huge pain in my whole body. This pain was 100x more painful than period cramps.

(If your seeing this don't get pregnant rlly early in life. Having a baby was truly the most painful thing I have ever felt in my life that I had to ask my mum if I was still alive.)

My fingers went digging into Harry's skin as he was so calm about it. The doctor came in with a clipboard. Slowly writing on it. The fuck? Woman do your job your supposed to get the baby outta me and support me. Not stand there and write a bunch of notes.

"Right only two people in here at a time. Family or the father." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Bitch shut your fat ass I'll have all three of them. Now do your fucking job and take this baby out of me." I said, obviously angry. I heard a small chuckle come from Harry as I looked at him.

"Something funny Styles?" I asked as he looked at me. "Already acting like a mother I see." He said laughing.

Soon I went to contractions as I was literally screaming and holding onto the bed. They whole hospital could probably hear me but fuck, this hurt. Alex and Harry probably went death. But it was all worth it.

After the baby came out the new girl smiled at me and held him. "Congratulations you have a baby boy!" She said. Yes I got a new girl, the other was pissing me off.

She took him away for a little bit to get cleaned up and then I got cleaned up. That shower was the best thing I've ever felt in my life. It wasn't the best looking shower but the hot water touching my skin felt lovely. By the time I got back Harry was holding him in his arms.

A huge smile on both of their faces. I walked to him and he gave me him. My eyes went all teary and smiled. "I went through all that pain for an absolute cutie." I said kissing him. His tiny head, small grin. Beautiful.

I sat in my hospital bed for a while, talking to Harry who had done my skincare for me because I had no energy. He also gave me many kisses and hugs, saying I did so good. His mother needs an award for raising him.

Talking about mothers, I looked over to see my parents. A small smile on their faces all they walked over to us. Harry got up and shook their hands. "It's an absolute pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs Knoyle." He said shaking their hands and showing them respect. My mother was just threw herself at me. Asking the baby's name and saying she always knew I would be successful.

My dad started interacting Harry which I found funny. "So your the father?" He asked him and Harry nodded. "When's her birthday?" He asked. "September 11th." Harry replied. "Hmm fair enough. What's her fav- dad that's enough." I sad laughing.

He seemed to notice my finger a lot as he looked at Harry then me. "So Audrey since you didn't tell us anything at all. Including that you went all around the world for 6 weeks, got pregnant, was pregnant for nine months, got engaged I see... what's next?" He asked and I looked at Harry.

"I model dad. I'm not going back to school." I said as Harry made a surprised face. "I deserve to travel round the world with my kid, my fiancé and to get married somewhere beautiful." I said and Harry smiled.

"So anyway what are you going to name him?" My mother asked. I looked at Harry who looked at me. "I like Oreon." Harry said and I fake smiled. "That's a lovely name." I said. "Really?" He asked. "No Harry, who the fuck names their kid Orean?" I said rolling my eyes.

"What do you like?" He asked. "I like Troy." I said and he nodded. "It suits him." He said looking at his already tanned looking skin and brown eyes. He looked way more like Harry than me. I guess Troy is what we will call him.

Over the weeks all I've had is support from everyone. I haven't have any time to myself. No sleep, plus everyone is absolutely obsessed with Troy. Halle comes to see him everyday and my parents call me like every five minutes to check if he's okay.

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