#33 What the actual fuck

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The last few days were shit. Harry kept trying to call and text me on different numbers, others were laughing at how I got cheated on, Chad had that awful smirk on his face and all I did was stay silent in school then come to my dorm and eat. I can't believe that happened to me. Am I that bad? Maybe I deserved it.

Just then Halle came walking in. "Hey there's a party tonight." she said. Absolutely not. I wasn't up for it. However... Alcohol+Sadness do mix well. "I'll go." I said running to find the hottest fucking dress I've ever worn. All I have to do is wear something hot as fire, drink, dance, then make out with a random boy so Halle can take a photo and post it on all my social media so I get Harry jealous.

He'll pay for what he fucking did.

My dress had to be perfect

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

My dress had to be perfect. My body needed to be revealed, only for tonight at least. Parties are great distractions.

Me and Halle walked to the random house party. Yes it was a strangers party but who's gonna notice if their drunk? As we entered the wealthy looking house the smell of cocaine hit my nose. Addicting... Me and Halle finally split up after having a drink. I went on the dance floor and danced with some random guy. Very hot... But he wasn't Harry.

I didn't care though. I pulled him close and started kissing him. The taste of vodka transferring to my mouth. After a while I bit his lip so my tongue could explore a little. His muscular arms lifting me up and putting me on a table, the music blasting in my ears. It was perfect.

I kissed him till my mouth went dry then slowly told him I wasn't looking for a relationship. I walked over to what looked like the drug addicts. It's not like I haven't done drugs before, but I was surely not addicted. I took a cocaine line and slowly sniffed it up my nose. The feeling of it burning in my nose felt good. I guess the baby was having a party in my belly.

I walked up stairs looking for some piece and quite. I sat down against a wall and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. I started smoking as a way of letting my pain out. I was crying, not too much. I couldn't, my mascara was $40.

"Audrey?" a familiar voice came from above. It was Harry. My eyes flickered in pain. I couldn't even look at him, I rather die. "I don't want to tal-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I passed out.

I woke up to see that I was in a car and Harry was next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and rested my eyes. I'll be mad at him when I have the energy.

Harry's POV

I was bringing Audrey back to her house as she looked very drunk. She had already rested her small head on my shoulder. I missed this... She was just so cute. Just then I felt the car stop and her move. "Would you like me to carry you in your house?" I offered.

"My house? No please no my parents will be mad... Go to yours.. Please." she said with her puppy eyes. I sighed and nodded. "Alright."

She's so fucking stupid, doing this when she's pregnant... What was she even thinking? We got to my house and I lifted her up in my arms. Her dress revealed everything. How could she wear that? I placed her in the guest bed and was about to leave. "Harry?" she asked and I turned around. "Mhmm?" I hummed in response. "Your not leaving me are you?" she asked and I sighed. "Listen, by the time you wake up you'll not want me here and plu- please Harry, don't leave me. I beg you." she interrupted me.

I nodded and said I was going to get changed first. I came back to her in the bathroom with her bra and pants on, kneeling next to the toilet. I sighed and held her hair back as she puked more and more.

After she was finished I lifted her up and placed her in the bed gently. I got in next to her as she cuddled right into me. I put my arm around her to make her feel comfortable and sighed. I love her so much but I don't think she loves me anymore. The worst part is that I didn't even cheat. Her baby is mine...

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