31- Real life

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Max sat on his couch, staring at his phone. He knew he needed to make the call, but he couldn't shake the nerves that were churning in his stomach.

Finally, he took a deep breath and dialed Christian Horner's number.

"Max, how are you?" Christian answered, his voice cheerful.

"I'm good, thanks. Listen, I was wondering if we could meet up and talk?" Max said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Of course. Is everything alright?" Christian asked, his tone shifting to concern.

Max hesitated, wondering how to approach the subject. He knew he needed to talk to Christian about his relationship with Charles, but he didn't want to come right out and say it.

"I just want to touch base and talk about a few things," Max said vaguely. "Maybe over lunch?"

"Sure, how about Friday? We can meet at that café by the track," Christian said, already making plans.

"Great, thanks Christian. I'll see you then," Max said, ending the call with a sigh of relief.

He knew the meeting would be difficult, but he also knew it was necessary. He just hoped he could find the right words to say when the time came.

Charles walks in the room and sits next to Max. Charles kissed hos head, causing Max to smile.   "I have called Mattia, we meet on Friday at the café by the track." Max smile faided. "What!" Charles asks nervous.

"Christian and I meet Friday by the café. They will meet each other." Max explains. He was kinda freaking out. Maybe it was too soon?

"Okay, that wasn't the plan. But then we can talk about it with both of them" Charles strokes Max hair, trying to calm him down. "Then we don't have to meet with both of them again. I am sure that it will go okay, Max. Don't worry."

"If you think so."

Before they could continue their conversation, Max's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Daniel.

Daniel had been meaning to invite Max and Charles to his house party for a while. 

"Hello, Max, it's Daniel. How's it going?" Daniel asked as Max answered the phone. 

"Hey, man, not bad, what's up?" Max replied.

"Not much, just wanted to extend an invitation to you and Charles for my party tonight. It's going to be a lot of fun, and I'd love for you guys to come," Daniel said, enthusiasm evident in his voice. 

 "That sounds great, thanks for inviting us. Let me just check with Charles and I'll let you know if we can make it," Max said, grateful for the invitation.

 "Awesome, let me know as soon as possible. I want to make sure I have enough food and drinks for everyone," Daniel said, laughing. 

 "I hear you, don't worry. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back from Charles," Max said, chuckling.After hanging up the phone, Max turned to Charles.

"Hey, Daniel just invited us to his party tonight. Do you want to go?" Max asked his partner.Charles smiled. 

"Sure, that sounds like fun. I've been wanting to hang out with Daniel and the others outside the track," he said, excited at the prospect of socializing with their colleagues. 

 "Perfect, I'll let Daniel know we're coming," Max said, picking up his phone to send a message to Daniel.

"Maybe we could tell them about us?"Charles suggested. "I mean, Daniel and Pierre already know that we kissed, I am pretty sure they suspect that we are dating. But only if you are okay with it"

Max thought about it for a moment before answering. "Okay. We can tell them tonight." 

They talked for a couple minutes about how they will them. Who says what, what will they say? They didn't know.

"I say we just improvise." Max said. "I don't think it will go okay if we learn a piece of text out of our heads. We will only be stressed that we don't forget everything."

"You are right." Charles said, even when he felled the anxiety. He was going to tell something big without practicing it in front of a mirror.

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