0-real life

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"Marie?" Max yelled as he came into their apartment. A Thousand thoughts were running through his head. What did just happened?

"Wat is er? (What happened?")

"Hij heeft me gekust, hij heeft me letterlijk waar gekust (He kissed me, he literally kissed me)" Max became red as the moment played through his head for a second time.

"Wie? (Who?)"

"Charles, fucking Charles Leclerc heeft me gekust. Ik heb met hem gezoend. Ik will dood, ik schaam me zo erg. (Charles, fucking Charles Leclerc kissed me. I kissed him. I want to die, I'm so ashamed.)"

" Maar je vind hem toch leuk, of niet soms? Wat is er erg aan? (But you like him, don't you? What's bad about it?)"

Ik weet niet eens of ik wel homo ben, ik weet dat niet eens. Ik snap de gevoelens die ik heb niet. Laat staan dat ik zit te zoenen met mijn fucking vijand. Wat moet ik doen, ik kan hem echt niet onder ogen zien. (I don't even know if I'm gay, I don't even know. I don't understand all the feelings I have. Never mind kissing my fucking enemy. What should I do, I really can't face him." He cried

Before they could continue their conversation, Daniel Ricciardo entered the apartment.

"There you are, I looked everywhere for you. You disappeared from the party." Daniel said while walking up to Max and Marie. "I- Are you okay?" He asked his friend, who was slightly crying before him.

"Yeah, het is gewoon dat ik soort van heb gekust met mijn vijand en nu niet weet wat ik moe doen."

"Dude, I have no idea what you just said, I can't speak Dutch." Daniel said confused.

"Sorry, but what I just said was that I- uh. I kissed Charles. And I have no idea what to do. We have a race over a week, everything is going to be weird." Max said while he trows himself on the ground. "And on top of that, if someone saw us, it would not be long before the news spread."

"Don't worry, we were at a party where only the F1 related people were. No one probably saw you guys, and if they did, they will not remember it from the amount of alcohol they had."

"And even if they did, they would probably think it was to cut some tension between you guys." Marie joked. "Yeah, all you do is fight. It was just to cut some angry before racing begins.' Daniel ads.

"We don't have tension." Max said." yeah you guys do." Marie and Daniel said.

"I don't want my dad to find out that maybe I am gay, I be dead meat."

"Than you get yourself a girlfriend, a cover up." Daniel suggested. "No one will suspect a thing."

"Yeah you walked away from Charles right? If he thinks you have a girlfriend than he knows why, no questions will be asked" Marie said. "And you guys were drunk so it was all a big mistake and no feelings will be hurt."

"Only my own." Max said sad. "And who wants to be my fake girlfriend, because I don't want to play a girl into thinking I like her."

"I will do it."

"Really?" Both Max and Daniel ask. "You really want to stop your love life, to help me?"

"Yeah, if it means it will help you. It is not that I have feelings for someone, so you have all the time to figure things out." Marie explained. "You do need to pay for the 'dates' we go on." At that comment Max laughed. "I will, and thank you for doing this, I will get everything sorted out." Max hugged Marie, thanking her for the things she just agreed to. " Take your time dude."

Marie smiled and said, "Whatever happens, we'll all be here to support you, Max. And we won't judge you for who you are or who you like."

Max nodded, feeling grateful for his supportive friends. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it." He wiped away his tears and stood up. "Alright, let's figure out this plan and get to work."

"And maybe before you know it you be  dating the Charles Leclerc." Daniel added jokely. At this comment he received a clap from Max. "Shut up."

Together, they started coming up with ideas on how to cover up the kiss and create a believable fake relationship between Max and Marie. As they talked and laughed, Max felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders. He knew that he had good friends who cared about him and that he didn't have to face this situation alone.The three of them spent the rest of the night brainstorming and planning, feeling confident that they could handle anything that came their way. Max may not have known what the future held, but he knew that he had the best support system to help him navigate it.

A/n: It's Friday then
Then Saturday, Sunday

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