32-real life

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Max and Charles arrived at Daniel's house, hand in hand, excited to hang out with their group of friends. 

 As they greeted their friends with hugs and high fives, Max and Charles felt a nervous energy buzzing between them. They had decided to tell their friends about their relationship today, but neither of them knew how their friends would react. 

Max and Charles were sitting on the couch, their hands intertwined. They had been talking for a few minutes, trying to quell the nervousness they both felt about telling their friends they were dating.

"I can't believe we're doing this," Max said, squeezing Charles' hand tightly.

"I know. I'm so nervous," Charles replied, his eyes darting around the room.

Max took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

"You know they'll be happy for us, right?" Max said, trying to reassure Charles.

"I know. It's just...it feels like a big step," Charles said, his voice shaking slightly.

Max nodded, understanding completely. They had both been friends with the group for years, and the thought of changing the dynamic by dating each other was nerve-wracking.

"But it's also an exciting step," Max said, a small smile forming on his face.

Charles looked at him, his eyes softening.

"You're right. I'm just overthinking it," Charles said, leaning over to give Max a quick kiss.

Max smiled, feeling his nerves dissipate slightly. He knew they had made the right decision by giving their relationship a chance, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

"So, are you ready to tell them?" Max asked, standing up and holding out his hand to Charles.

Charles took a deep breath and nodded, the nerves still present but more manageable now.

Charles knew that Pierre would accept them, and Max knew the same about Daniel, but it stayed a scary thing to do.

"Yeah, let's do it," Charles said, taking Max's hand and standing up alongside him.

Together, they walked back into the living room, ready to make their announcement and take the next step in their relationship.

 As the group settled into the living room, catching up on each other's lives, Max and Charles kept stealing glances at each other. Finally, after a few extra minutes of small talk and shared laughter, Max worked up the courage to make the big announcement.

Max and Charles sat nervously in front of their friends, taking deep breaths as they prepared to make a big announcement. Unbeknownst to them, their friends had been betting on when they would finally get together for months.

"Guys, we have something to tell you," Max said, his voice shaking slightly.

Everyone leaned in, curious to hear what the couple had to say.

"We're dating," Charles blurted out, unable to contain his excitement any longer.

The room erupted into cheers, with high fives and hugs being exchanged all around. Everyone was thrilled for Max and Charles, who had been friends for years before deciding to take their relationship to the next level.

"I knew it! I won the bet!" Pierre yelled, jumping up from his seat and pumping his fists in the air. The rest of their friends groaned in defeat, admitting that Pierre had been the closest in guessing the official announcement date.

Max and Charles exchanged a glance, both surprised and amused by the betting pool that they were completely oblivious to. It made the announcement all the more sweeter knowing that their friends had wanted this for them just as much as they did.

"Finally, I've been waiting for this moment for months!" Daniel exclaimed, giving the couple a big hug.

"So happy for you two," Lando said, patting them both on the back.

Max and Charles smiled at each other, feeling the weight of the secret being lifted off their shoulders. They had been worried about how their friends would react, but the positive response only made them more excited for their future together.

"We're really happy," Max said, looking at Charles.

"Me too," Charles replied, taking Max's hand.

The group of friends continued to chatter excitedly, already making plans for double dates and group outings. Max and Charles were grateful to have such supportive friends, and felt thankful to have them in their lives.

As the excitement died down, Pierre came over to them sheepishly, handing them both a few dollars.

"Here you go, winners of the bet" he said, grinning widely.

Max and Charles laughed, feeling even more loved and lucky to have such a great group of friends.

Lando came to sit next to the couple. "Have you guys already talked with your team bosses about this?," He asks "Or are you guys keeping it a secret?"

"We have a meeting with them tomorrow. We didn't tell them why, but I have a feeling they have a suspicion. " Max answers. 

He had called Christian to ask for a meeting and when he didn't say what is what about, Christian chuckled. He was pretty sure he knew why he had ask for a meeting. 

"I am sure they will find it okay. So long it doesn't affect your races." Pierre said. Joining the trio.

"And if they don't, I don't think it is any of their business." Carlos added. This caused them to laugh.

"I just hope they find it okay. It will make it easier" Charles said.  

A/N: We are close to the end. 4 chapters left. :(

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