7.2-real life

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A/N: When writing this chapter I had mixed it with an other formula one book of mine wich I am writing at the moment, so if anything in this chapter doesn't make sence, I read over it and forgot to change it. 

The engines roared to life as the lights went out, signalling the start of the race. The Grid was packed with talent, including Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen, Sergio Perez and Charles Leclerc, all eager to take the lead and secure their first win of the season.

As the drivers navigated their way through the first few corners, Verstappen managed to edge out Hamilton and take an early lead, his Red Bull showing impressive pace and stability. But not far behind, Perez and Leclerc were locked in a fierce battle for second place, leaving Hamilton to watch from a distance, biding his time and waiting for the right moment to strike.

Hamilton was determined to make a statement in Bahrain, having missed out on the title by just a few points the previous year. He drove with incredible precision, pushing his Mercedes to the limit and leaving his rivals in his wake. 

Meanwhile, further back in the field,  Norris and Piastri, the rookie, were keen to make their mark and show their more experienced rivals that they were not to be underestimated. They fought hard, pushing themselves and their cars beyond their limits, hoping for a chance to shine on the international stage.

As the race approached the halfway mark, Verstappen continued to maintain his lead, but Perez was closing in, showing impressive speed and determination. Alonso was hot on their heels, sensing an opportunity to overtake and take the lead himself. And behind them, Leclerc and Hamilton were fighting for every inch, trying to secure a podium finish and some much-needed championship points.

In the final few laps, the tension was palpable, with Verstappen, Perez, and Alonso all within striking distance of victory. Each driver gave it their all, pushing themselves and their cars to the limit, fighting for every millisecond and every inch of track.

In the end, it was Verstappen who managed to make the decisive move, overtaking Perez on a tight corner and taking the lead. He held on to that lead until the chequered flag, crossing the finish line with a fist pump and a smile on his face. "Yeah." He sreamed. Perez had to settle for second, while Leclerc came in third, just behind but unable to close the gap.

It was a thrilling and closely contested race, one that showcased the talent and determination of the drivers on the Grid, and one that left fans eagerly anticipating the next race on the calendar.

The checkered flag finally waved, and the crowd cheered as the drivers drove their cars into the pit lane. In the background, the F1 theme music played, adding to the excitement of the race. The mechanics swarmed around the cars, congratulating their drivers and preparing to take the machines back to the garage for post-race analysis.

Max and Charles were avoiding each other, they still hadn't talked to each other about what had happened. "Congrats Max." Checo said while patting his teammates back. "You too, man."

On the podium, the three drivers who had made it to the top, were all grinning from ear to ear. The excitement was palpable as they received their trophies and saluted the crowd. 

'Finally a podium.' Charles though. 'Maybe the Ferrari curse is a bit broken.' He had seen that his teammate Carlos Sainz had come in at P5, just after Alanso. Meaning both of them started their season good. 

As the national anthem of the winning driver played, Max Verstappen stood tallest on the podium, resplendent in his Red Bull colors. He held the winner's trophy aloft, the sound of the crowds ringing in his ears. He had done it, and won the race.

Sergio Perez, beamed from the second step of the podium, visibly relieved and happy to have started his Red Bull career so strongly. He acknowledged the cheers of the crowd and clutched his trophy tightly, promising himself he'd do better next time and get his first win with his team.

Meanwhile, Charles Leclerc was the last driver on the podium. His Ferrari had been quick all weekend, and he had managed to come through the pack, making some daring overtakes to finish on the podium. He couldn't help but smile as the crowd cheered him on, feeling like he was finally finding his feet in the new season.

Behind the drivers, the team principals and mechanics were just as jubilant, congratulating their tireless drivers and each other. It was a true testament to the collaborative spirit of F1 and the hard work put forth by everyone involved.

For Max Verstappen, it was a moment to cherish, knowing he had put in a winning performance that set the tone for the rest of the season, and each of these talented drivers, having given it their all, knew their turn would come someday.

After the race Charles had walked up to Max to congratulate him, but also to asked if he had time to talk about what hapenend the week before.

A/N: I know the race is not really like the real race, like Charles had DNF, but None of the races are going to be like the real races. 


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