19- real life

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It was a night to remember as all of the F1 drivers and their teams gathered together to celebrate the successful race in Monaco. The party was held at a private villa and the mood was high as everyone arrived in their finest attire.

The sound of music and laughter filled the air as the guests mingled and shared stories from the race track. Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen were deep in conversation, discussing the race strategy and the challenges they faced on the track. Sebastian Vettel and Fernando Alonso were busy catching up, laughing at old memories from their days of racing together.

Daniel Ricciardo was in the center of the dance floor, showing off some moves and pulling other drivers to join him in his dance. Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris were chatting, discussing the race and sharing jokes and laughs.

Meanwhile, Pierre and Yuki were playing a game of beer pong, Pierre losing very hard. Sergio Perez was in the corner, deep in conversation with his team principal about the future of racing and the next race in line.

Max's eyes were fixed on the door as Charles  walked into the room. Charles had arrived at the party a little later than the rest of the drivers, but Max's attention was solely focused on him.

As Charles made his way across the room, he greeted other drivers and team principals with a smile. Max watched him patiently until he finally caught Charles' eye, and the two shared a nod of acknowledgement.

Max's heart fluttered at the sight of Charles. Maybe tonight was to night he could talk to him about his feelings. 

"Max, are you still listening?"Lewis asks him. Max's head snaps back towards the man he was having a conversation with. "Yeah, yeah, I am stil listening." He lied. " Really, what did I just say?" Lewis smirked. "You were saying that you euh, I don't know sorry. I wasn't listening. " Lewis laughed. "Did you got distracted by Charles?" 

'How does he know that.' Max thought."No why should I?" Max lied, again. "I don't know." Lewis said. "You are the one checking him out, not me." He smirks

As the night wore, Max could feel himself getting nervous. He stole glances at Charles, watching him laugh and chat with other drivers. He had always found Charles attractive, but today was they day he was going to confess

Finally, when no one was paying attention, Max pulled Charles aside into a quiet corner of the room. He took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"Charles, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time," Max said, his voice low and hesitant. "I know we've always been just friends, but...I think I might have more-than-friends kind of feelings for you."

Charles looked up in surprise, then his expression shifted to one of understanding. "Max, I don't know what to say except...I feel the same way," he said, a smile spreading across his face.

Max was thrown aback, unsure if he had heard Charles right. "Wait, what? You do?" he asked, his heart racing.

Charles nodded, finally confessing what he had kept hidden for just as long. "I've liked you for months, Max. I just didn't know if you felt the same way. It's like we've been dancing around this for so long."

Max felt a weight lifted off his shoulders as the realization sunk in. He had longed for this moment for so long, but never thought it would come to fruition.

As they talked more, their hands found each other, their fingers entwining. Everything just felt right.

Max looked around making sure that no one was looking at them. "Can I kiss you?" Max asked. A smile appeared on Charles's lips before pulling max down by his tie and kissing him. "You want to take this to my place?" Charles asked, hoping it wouldn't scare Max off. "I love too."


I know it is a bit rushed, but I am running out of ideas.

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