Relieved, Akk sat down next to Ayan's bed to rest for a brief moment when he suddenly felt a hand run through his hair playfully. He turned around and saw Ayan half awake.

"Ayan, are you still awake?" The smaller boy gave Akk a hand signal, indicating that he wasn't asleep.

Thinking that it was the best time to ask when Ayan was still drunk, Akk finally dared to ask. "Can you tell me what happened to you, Ayan? Why are you so drunk?"

"These guys...They made me drunk...They wanted me to drink a whole bottle by myself...Only then I was allowed to join them...It was really terrifying..." Ayan mumbled, barely managing to get the words out because he was so drunk.

"Ayan..." Akk was shocked to hear that what Ayan had told him. He had heard that normally 'the god's hand' wouldn't do something like that when someone wanted to join. They would only get newcomers to pledge their allegiance to them. Why would they suddenly change things up for Ayan?

"Why are you still calling me 'Ayan', Akk? I've already told you to call me 'Aye'." Ayan said in a hurtful tone. Akk who had been still lost in his thoughts was startled by this unfitting question

"Well, it doesn't really matter anymore...It's not like we are friends...You know...The last few days were really lonely...Everyone at this school fucking hates me for no reason and spreads rumours about me...I thought at least you were on my side, Akk...But you're just like the others..." Listening to Ayan's honest thoughts about him, Akk felt his heart shatter into pieces. He had really screwed it up this time.

"I thought we could become friends...But you let me down when I needed you the most...And now you're back when I'm in such a bad condition..." Akk could hear that Ayan tried to hold back his tears.

"But you know what, Akk?...I still really like you..." Akk didn't expect a sudden confession from Ayan and he felt even more guilty.

"After everything you've done to me...I should hate you...But I can't...I'm really pathetic, aren't I?..." Ayan chuckled to himself but Akk could hear the frustration in his voice.

"I'm sorry, Aye..." That was the only thing that came out of Akk. He couldn't face how badly his actions had hurt Ayan. The consequences were too painful. Akk was about to break down when he suddenly felt Ayan gently wiping the tears from his face. Akk hadn't noticed that he was crying.

"Why are you crying?...This doesn't suit the school prefect...I'm sorry if I said something wrong...I didn't mean to...Please stop crying..." Even though Ayan was still drunk, he seemed genuinely sincere.

Hearing him apologising, Akk completely broke down and he sobbed even harder. Why was Ayan the one apologising? It should be him apologising to Ayan. Everything was his fault. He didn't deserve his apologies.

Ayan slowly got up from his bed and wanted to sit on the floor next to Akk. But on the way he stumbled and fell onto Akk, who caught him in time. Ayan was lying on top of him now.

"Sorry..." Ayan got up from Akk and looked him directly in the eyes. The moon was shining through the window directly on Ayan's face and for the first time Akk noticed how pretty Ayan was.

He was mesmerised by Ayan's beauty. His hair was tousled and falling over his dark puppy eyes which were staring at him with full of sadness. Ayan's eyes were now showing all the pain he was hiding behind his usually carefree looking face. Akk could see him slightly blushing and he didn't know if that was because he was drunk or embarrassed. And his lips looked so kissable right now...

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