"Great. Can you wash those for me? And Rose start making the batter?"

"Of course." "Gotcha." Alice and Rosalie moves to do what she instructed while Storm turned on the stove iron to preheat.

"You guys look so serious, right now." Emmett cackles at his wife and sister who were concentrated.

"That's because they're being useful, unlike you." Storm gives him a look and plops a bowl and the eggs in front of him.

"Here, you're in the kitchen. You're helping. Make yourself useful and crack the eggs in the bowl but don't stir." She went to walk away but stopped and points, "Try not to get the shells in the bowl."

Emmett scoffs, "You think I haven't cracked an egg before?"

"Not as a vampire. Besides, knowing you, Em, you probably forgot that you have a strength of a bear and break the egg completely." Storm admits and walks over to the fridge to grab the milk.

"A bear? Try three full sized elephants." Emmett boasts but listens to the girl and carefully cracks the eggs into the bowl.

"Is there a party going on?" Jasper asks, just making it home. He looks at his wife and siblings.

Storm smiles, "Jazzy! You want to help cook?"

"At this point you're going to have a full chef team, babe." Edward makes himself known, walking into the kitchen with a chuckle.

Storm crosses her arms, "Hey, if it knocks down forty minutes then who am I to complain?" She walks up to him and pats his chest after receiving a kiss, his siblings smiled at the couple. "And just for commenting, you're also helping." She whispers against his lips.

"I'll help you, Storms. What needs to be done?" Jasper asks and walks to the sink to wash his hands.

"Can you grab the onions, peppers- you know what just..." She spots the paper that held the recipe on the counter and grabs it to hand it to the Southern male. "Here, look at the ingredients that I didn't take out yet and grab them. I want you and Ali on Shakshuka duty."

Jasper furrows his brows, "Shakshuka?"

Storm hums and grabs the bowl with batter from Rosalie's hands and walks over to the stove. "It's a new recipe I wanted Bella and I to try. It's an Israeli Breakfast dish that contains tomatoes and eggs." She explains, Jasper nods his head.

"Do we cut the tomatoes or-"

"Peel. They have to be peeled." Storm tells Alice without looking at her as she put the first three pancakes in the pan.

"Rose, grab the skillet from the bottom cabinet so I can help Ali and Jaz when they finish."


"I finished with the eggs. What's next boss?" Emmett asks Storm who tossed a bunch of chocolate chips in her mouth. Edward shakes his head at his fiancé.

Storm hums and looks around the kitchen to see the other vampires doing a task. "When Jaz finish grabbing the other ingredients, you can cut the yellow onions, and bell pepper."

"And me?" Edward pipes up, Storm squints her eyes at him and grabs the garlic and jalapeno chile.

"You get to cut these. I can't."

Edward chuckles, "Cause of last time?" He asks, bringing up the fact when last time she cooked with him she accidently rubbed her eye while cutting a jalapeno and wanted to gauge her eyes out.

Storm gives him a blank stare. "I thought I told you not to bring that up again?" Edward laughs and pecks her forehead as an apology.

"First three are done." Rosalie announces and slides them on a plate.

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