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Eda got out of the car in front of a corporate building where the meeting with two architectural companies was about to take place. She stopped by the big glass window and ran her fingers through her two-piece red set to remove any creases from her jacket and skirt. She looked at her reflection, fixing her long dark brown hair and her gaze fell on her long legs. Her boss expected her to seduce the major investor to get information out of him, but he could forget it. She was planted as his secretary, and she will use her other resources and skills to get to the bottom of this corruption case that seemed to reach the level of government.

Eda knew she didn't have the best reputation after her last mission in Istanbul ended. It was a crazy ride, but it won't happen again. She felt quite excited being back in Turkey after two years of absence. Her new job was only slightly connected to architecture due to two contracted architectural firms for the project, but at least she could be indirectly involved in any design. After all, she had an architectural degree. She used it only once but missed working in her dream work field. Being an undercover agent wasn't her career of choice, but life decided for her.

Eda returned to Istanbul only because her big problem with capital B was out of the city and wasn't coming back for at least a couple of months. Until then her job will be finished and she will be abroad again for another mission. She couldn't meet him again. It would be a real disaster. Not only for a mission but mostly for her.

Eda took a deep breath, pulled her lips in a fake, polite smile. She passed the doors, took out her fake ID for Eda Yildirim, and went to the elevator to attend the meeting. She was just about to enter the conference room where the main architects were gathered to meet with her new boss when she received a call from her partner in crime aka Agent Yucel. Eda peeped inside the room. The meeting didn't start yet, so she could pick up the phone, but her boss spotted her.

"Miss Yildirim." He called her. "Please come inside and lock the door. We don't want anybody to disturb us."

Miss. Eda snorted under her breath but smiled at the man and closed the door behind her.

"Of course, Faruk bey. Do we have five minutes left? I got a call from my mother. It could be something important."

"No problem, Miss Yildirim. Is she feeling better?"

"Unfortunately still in hospital." Eda lied and picked up her phone, turning with her back to the small crowd gathered in there.

"Anne? Something happened?" She asked and frowned, hearing Melo's nervous voice.

"Eda, don't go to the meeting. Call sick and return to the station right now!"

"What?" Eda asked, perplexed.

"Don't go to the conference room. He's there. I just found out."

Eda paled. "I'm already inside. Who are you talking about?" She turned to face the room and saw her biggest nightmare at the back of it.

"I have to go." She said to the phone.

"Better do." Melo snorted and hung up on her.

Eda closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly looked into his eyes. He was just there at the end of the table, ignoring everybody around him, looking straight at her.

Serkan Bolat was sitting on the chair with an ankle crossed on his knee, rolling the pen in his fingers. Eda glanced next to him and spotted Engin Sezgin, who noticed her too and was staring at her with his mouth open. He turned to Serkan Bolat and asked him a question, but his companion just shook his head, not taking his eyes from her.

Eda looked back at him. Her heart beat faster. He was the most handsome man in the world, and she couldn't resist the charm, the charisma, and the overwhelming power that was coming from him. She knew she should, but she was weak when he was looking at her like that. With hate.

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