18. Trevor

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The Avengers were in a meeting. To catch an European underworld criminal. Benjamin Russo. Who's coming to America, New Jersey, for a gala on the occasion of Christmas night.

They can't attack on him in a public event, so they had to lure him out of his security circle.

Tony sighed," We can't just drag him out from there. He's a master tactician, what do you think? He'll fall for our stupid plans, you guys are suggesting?"

Clint rolled his eyes," You have any better idea?"

" I don't. That's why I'm asking you guys."

Others shook tehir heads.

" I don't know how accurate this is...", Natasha started, crossing her arms on her chest. " but...I've a very important and decisive Intel."

Others looked at her in curiosity. " Then why were you sitting there quietly?" Tony complaint.

She rolled her eyes," As I said, I'm not sure how accurate it is. But it's definitely worth a try. Benjamin, that guy, has a good taste in men. " She smirked when others' eyes widened. " He's gay. "

Bruce connected the dots," Then all the victims of his brutality were his partners?"

Sam understood now," That explains why he's only been killing men. "

Natasha nodded," Can you see what's common in all the dead men?"

" All of them are blonde. " Clint nailed the final point.

" Yeah. He's a thing for blonde, fit and confident guys, with horse-riding skill, and a bit of British accent. " She explained further.

Steve was listening to them, while reading the file with his full concentration. But he got confused as the room became pin drop silence. He looked at his teammates who were staring at him. " What?" Then he caught Natasha's evil smirk. " What?! No! No!"

He stood up from his seat," I'm leaving."

Natasha chased him and caught his arms before he could step out from the room. " Come on. You can do it. "

He shook his head," I can't. Natasha!" She presented her best pleading puppy eyes. " No! That's not happening. "

Tony walked up to him," Come on, capsicle. It's not that hard. "

" Then you can dye your hair and go to the gala. You're even a party guy so you can blend in that atmosphere very well. " Steve pointed out.

" You think there's any living human couldn't recognise me? " He smirked. " He'd recognise you if you meet him with putting on the blue-red-white suit. "

Steve shook his head stubbernly," Still, I'm not doing it. Clint has a better British accent and he's kind of blonde so it can be managed. "

" I don't know horse-riding. " Clint shrugged.

" Neither do I. " Steve denied. But Natasha smirked at him. He turned to look at Sam, who looked away from his face with a apologitical smile. " Really? Sam?! Oh my God! I can't believe you told her about that. "

Natasha smiled looking at him," Listen, it's simple, okay? You'd just go into that farm, riding your horse when he'd be coming. Challenge him for a race then spend some time with him. Then ask him to go out with you to somewhere without his security. "

He raised his eyebrow at her," You're indirectly telling me to go on a date with him. "

She rolled her eyes," It's for undercover, Steve. We've acted like a married couple many times for our missions. "

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