15. Undercover

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It's been few weeks since his first mission with Natasha. As they'd planned, they're traveling to Client's farmhouse to attend his wedding. Surprisingly, Fury knew about it and asked them to take a leave for few days.

They picked few things for the couple and drove towards the small country side church. Steve and Natasha hugged Clint and Laura and congratulated them. Their vows finished and they had a small dinner outside.

Next morning they were coming back to New York. Steve glanced at her while driving. Yesterday's events running in his mind till now. He couldn't help but shockingly imagined Natasha in that white dress. He shook his head to not think so ahead. He sighed," Have you ever thought about that kind of life?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. He clarified," I mean, like Clint and Laura?"

She pressed her lips in a thin line and shook her head," I'm not made for that kind of life. "

" No one is. They just try."

She raised her eyebrow at him," You suggest me to try?"

" Why not?" He shrugged off.

She was silent for a moment," Like I said, I'm not made for this. And I know it. "

He didn't press it anymore and let it go for now. He was afraid she'd push him away.

Few days later, Steve got a call from Natasha saying he needs to come out of the facility wearing his armor with his shield. He got ready quickly and came out.

A black car halted in front of him and he sat beside the driver. Natasha was sitting in the back seat. " Where are we going?"

" Stark house. " The man who was driving replied. " Oh, I'm Happy Hogan. Nice to meet you Captain. "

" Stark? You mean Tony Stark?"

He nodded.

Accidentally he glanced back but looked ahead right away when he noticed Natasha was changing into her catsuit.

She smirked at him but glared when she noticed Happy was trying to look at the rearview mirror. Before he could say anything, Steve beat her in it," Watch the road, Mr Hogan. " Earning another smirk from her. He's something, she thought to herself.

Happy cleared his throat and did as he was told. When they reached at Stark house, it was mess. But they're used to clear it now.

Steve was fighting, but couldn't help the awe and admiration he was feeling seeing Natasha doing all the jumping stunts and taking on the guards swiftly. He fought the urge to clap when she did a backflip and landed on her one knee and an arm in the air. Wow.

Natasha sprayed some burning liquid in the eyes of the guards as she walked ahead like ramp walk. Steve threw his shield, thrashing two men with its force, and it came back to his hand automatically. She raised her eyebrow at him," How did you do that?"

" Just... practice thousand times. " He shrugged off and she rolled her eyes with a chuckle. " So...you were on this undercover mission?"

She nodded," Yeah. His girlfriend's assistant was my cover. "

Fury instructed them to come to a room where Tony Stark was and they walked towards it. " You were pretty good...with those flips. " He couldn't resist the complement.

She shrugged off," Practice... thousand times. " He shook his head and she smirked at him.

First Natasha walked inside. Tony shook his head as soon as he saw her. " I knew something was fishy. A common assistant can't put a head-lock on Happy. "

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