14. Partners

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Next morning they started walking to nearby town from where they can get any train to New York.

Natasha was limping a little, still sore from the recent injury. And Steve was walking closely, in case she stumbles while walking.

" So...what you'd do if Fury finds out about you?"

He sighed," Honestly, I don't have any answer for that. See, I'm not doing any over exposure, but I got shot trying to catch Spencers, after a month I'm seeing Nick letting him go and assigned you to follow him. What should I make from it?"

She just nodded. She didn't have any answer either. Because she'd never questioned Fury herself.

" I wanna trust people, you know. " Steve started and she listened carefully. " But when they...prove me wrong, I can't help but suspect my beliefs. " He chuckled a little, trying to hide the deepness of the moment. " I trusted Nick, I can't anymore now. Not fully, at least. I'd always have to cross check his intentions. "

She chuckled on it," Hm, welcome to spy-world, Cap. You're not only a soldier anymore. Observation. The first rule of spys. You're learning. "

He shook his head with a laugh. " I'd be needing some advice once in a while if necessary from the best one though. If she'd be kind enough. "

He even flirts like a gentleman. She laughed," Of course. "

They took a train to Chicago, then to New York from there. It's already night when they got there. So they decided to have dinner somewhere.

" So where do you wanna go?"

Natasha thought for a moment, then curiosity twinkled in her eyes," Surprise me. "

He narrowed his eyes with a smile," I don't know if you'd like it that much. But... I know a place. Haven't gone there since a while. Like thirty years. "

She smiled at him genuinely," Then we should definitely go there. " And they did.

It's at the first Street of Brooklyn where he and Bucky would come to have dinner someday in weekends.

They walked in and Natasha was seeing the entrance and the interiors carefully. It's definitely Brooklyn style.

" They make fantastic Lasanga here. Childhood memories. "

She smiled at him," Let's try then. " And they ordered it. It arrived and she really loved it. She enjoyed a dinner after so long.

While paying the bills, she saw her wallet was empty till then, she doesn't use cards anyway, given the job she had.

Steve saw it and nodded at her with a smile," I got it. " He paid for them and both walked out. " So...did you like it?"

She grinned up to him," Like? Gosh I loved it. Really. Food was amazing. I'm definitely coming here again. Once in a month at least. "

He shook his head. Then she looked at him," Hey, Let's do this - You paid for my food this time, next month I'll pay for both of us when we'd come here for dinner. " His eyes widened, pleasantly of course. And she realised how childish she sounded. " If you'd like, obviously." She quickly corrected.

He smiled," How about this - today is September 1st. 1st day of every month, we'll come here for dinner. "

" I'd like that but... what if we were to be in some mission?"

He shrugged off," Then next month. "

She grinned again. It's a huge thing, but she wouldn't complain. " Okay with me. Then ..it could be our thing then? You know, like... tradition?"

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