fire & earth

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My favorite colors are green and red.

And in that coincidence, my elements are the contrasting Earth and Fire.

Like I am the one who can destroy myself best, I am the one who can bring myself to ruin.

And in that contradiction I tend to separate some parts of me, hiding them away like a secret, opening it to remind myself they exist, from time to time.

But the Earth was the one that ruled my reality. Earth was kind and forgiving to me, nor did it keep any grudge or wrongdoings made by other people. Earth simply smiled and gave hope. It was nurturing and warm.

Fire flickered in hesitation, on its existence and as to why it had to be there, as it blazed with fury in the dark. And Fire was never too dim to remain a secret. Fire always sneaks a chance to escape, as the people around it gave it a chance to do so.

Fire would sometimes burn Earth, and Earth would always accept the reality of it. Fire would inflict pain just by merely existing, and Earth only smiled and nodded.

It wasn't because Earth was despondent, nor it was okay with being hurt.
But because she knew she deserved it.

Because the truth is, Earth had more seeds she couldn't grow, she had landfills of death on her back, she had dried up oceans and her deserts thrive.

So it let fire exist, burning her in the process. It wasn't a new thing. It had been happening over and over. She grew yet again, and burn yet again.

And nobody knows when it would stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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