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I had to share once again, a collection of poetry, proses, and/or a mix of both. (Prosetry XD)

I didn't have any good idea for a title for this collection, so I decided to use, My Golden Blues. It depicts my emotions, as something that arise from sadness. My anger is sadness, my fear and worry, and so is my happiness.

There is this underlying peace and nostalgia in happiness, which I call my blues. My golden blues is like saying, the golden thoughts, may it be a good idea or epiphany that I felt during a blue, a moment or season of sadness or self awareness which made me feel all kinds of emotions that has sadness as a foundation.

I hope I make sense. ^^

Some are very intimate pieces, and some are passing thoughts. Hoping you would enjoy reading. Stay safe!


Pudding Emperor ⚓🤍

I put balloons to pieces that I love and are very intimate to me. 🎈🍄🤍✨

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