my own pace

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There was a point in my life when I had planned everything for myself. A sequence of events where I was supposed to grab my needs and wants with the mindset of wanting to live a certain lifestyle. Reality slapped me in the face when I was being greedy of making everyone expect of what I can give, in return of what I wanted.

Too fast.

Too greedy.


I gained materials, at the expense of my health, and lost myself.

In a life where I wanted to flow like a mighty river, it left me like the stagnant waters who couldn't move. Who refused to move.

My stationary placement taught me there is blessing in waiting. Along with some friends, I see life a little bit more beautiful, more slowly. It allowed me to see the details, the small cracks, the big puzzles. I was amazed at the expansion of my thinking.

Slowly, I have gained more of who I am, pave a new river and flow towards truth.

I am learning 'my pace'.

Learning, at my own pace.

— Pudding Emperor ⚓


see you tomorrow for updates~

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