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 I decided to stop writing my dreams down. That mere nonsense is still nonsense in reality. Only I thought that my nonsense wasn't nonsense in my reality. It is mine after all.

I was told that the best way to live was from a routine.

Of facing things you least like.

Of having money for the rest of your life.

Of being able to meet people.

Success, as they say.

I pondered for a long time, maybe half the years I've lived and every time, I rest in the thought that self-awareness was the greatest gift and a constant success I've been living.

Of wanting to grow.

Of wanting to help and do things for the greater good.

Of being a mediator and healer.

Of being able to find happiness and beauty in any place or thing.

Of being able to see things with love and compassion.

Of being able to still see the world as beautiful.

The world is still beautiful.

When you keep growing as a child of God, when you still see the world with kindness and awareness, greed becomes weak in the face of love. I have more than enough.

— Pudding Emperor ⚓


for me success=self awareness

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