i am an artist

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I'm always too much in the beginning. Always too strong.

Like the ignition of a rocket who failed to touch the sky. Always punch a strong entrance to only gradually decrease in attacks.

I come in shining, and leave dull. Like my introversion is my way of life, and people suck their expectations out of me like vampires. Until there was no more, only disappointment.

Living like an anemic person thirsty for productivity. I crave to create and I can't.

And if poetry makes me breathe, I am still alive.

Despite the irony of being drawn to writing but equipped with false hands.

Of devouring countless stories but not able to tell.

Of constantly overthinking but not able to use ideas to create.

I am still breathing. I still have poetry. I will not give up. Despite every worst scenario I can come up, despite and in spite of every flaw imaginable,

my sun shall outshine my sun spots.

— Pudding Emperor ⚓

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