a decision

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When I decided to love you, it meant I was ready to accept you, and all the realities that come with your whole package. All your memories, your flaws, habits, opinions, and beliefs. I have decided to choose you, even when the sun sets, always.

I have seen you in times when you are most yourself, but you chose to find your truth in others.

When I was ready to trust you again with all of me, you broke that potential trust before the race started. Before the firing of guns, the raising of flags.

I understand that you were broken.

I understand that you need love.

Why did you choose to hurt me then,

when I was ready to give love?

I had always understood you.

Instead, you have stood me up.

I have always given you chances.

With all the chances I could give.

From all of the hurt you had caused, all the chances you took, all the nights you grabbed me, all the days I exchanged for time with you.

I decided to give the same love, the same chances, the same time, for myself. I deserve someone better and I am sure of that.

I will choose someone that will make me feel that I was a firm decision, that I was the one they chose at every sunset, I was the one, always.

I have loved you, I still do, I always will.

In the rarity that you may find your true self, find me again, then I will choose you.

— Pudding Emperor ⚓


Made for a friend, and no, if it was me, i will not choose you, pikachu. >:(

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