Chapter 33

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Vania sighed as she dropped both bags from her shoulders. She sat heavily onto her hammock and reached her hands up over her head in a stretch, then dropped her hands to her sides, shoulders drooping. "Oh, good. A nice, quiet evening."

Eluri cocked her head and looked up at Vania, amber eyes glowing softly.

Vania chuckled a little as Eluri jumped into her lap and nuzzled her face. "Look. I appreciate that he means well, and it was nice of him to accompany me to see Derry home, but he can stop trying to invite himself over. It's annoying."

Eluri looked at her, head cocking again.

"Well, it is. At the end of the work day, I just need to get home and relax. Hard to do that when he's around. Besides, we see each other all day. What does he need to see me after work for?" Vania added quickly, "Oh, gods, don't tell him I said that." She scratched Eluri's ears. "He's great. And I know he's just concerned about me. Considering yesterday." She swallowed and looked away from the lucid's glowing gaze. "Gods alive," she whispered, "it could happen any time. Derry thinks it'll be a good amount of time, but what if he's wrong?" She sighed, eyes closing. And that's probably why Eddin wanted to spend the night again. It's certainly not because my floor is so comfortable. She swallowed and looked down at Eluri. "You'd tell him if I needed waking up, right?"

Eluri reached up and nuzzled Vania's cheek.

Vania sighed, mumbling, "Of course you would." She stroked Eluri's furry, scaled back. "After all, you reached out to him once before, when I was having a blacking out episode."

Eluri purred and curled into Vania's lap, the deep rumbling sound thrumming from her as Vania continued to pet and stroke her.

"And then Derry accused you of being a spy..." Vania murmured. "Because he didn't know..." She sighed, Derry's voice echoing in her memories. She frowned at the lucid. "I'm not very good at communicating, am I?" Her eyes left Eluri's half-closed orbs to trace the floor where Eddin had been that morning. She smiled faintly at the memory of Eddin snoring, sprawled across the floor with Eluri curled on his chest.

After a moment, she shook her head, smiling ruefully. Her hands stilled, causing Eluri to open her eyes and raise her head, looking up at Vania. Vania looked down at the lucid. "I think it's time to get some sleep—"

Vania slumped, dropping prone to the hammock.

Eluri jumped from Vania's lap to a place near her head, nuzzling her cheek and crooning anxiously. After a moment, Eluri nosed down by Vania's neck, teeth catching on the silver chain. Clenching her teeth, she pulled hard, the chain snapping, sending the silver charm flying across the room. Eluri nuzzled Vania again, rough tongue licking Vania's cheek.

Vania awoke to Eddin leaning over her anxiously, Prant on one shoulder, chittering and pacing, while Eluri clung to his other shoulder, glowing eyes locked on Vania.

Vania blinked a few times. With a whistle, Eluri jumped from Eddin's shoulder to the hammock, butting her head against Vania's chest.

"Eddin?" Vania asked. "What're you doing here? What happened?" Her hand came up to pat the lucid's head. "Hey, Eluri." The lucid ducked under her hand and fixed glowing eyes on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Near as I can tell, you accidentally put yourself to sleep," Eddin replied quietly. He held up the silver charm and the broken chain, dropping them into Vania's outstretched hand. "Eluri sensed the spell from this affecting you, so she pulled it off, but you still didn't wake up, so she reached out to me." He slowly got up from his knees and went over to the chair. "How are you feeling?"

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