Chapter 30

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"What... is this?" Vania asked, tilting the vial first one way, and then another, watching the darkness within swirl and slide with the motion.

"Power," Rand'din replied simply. "Pure, unadulterated power, extracted from the essence of a demon. A very powerful one." He sighed. "The demon's name is Zaleez, and he's the king of his realm. The way demons choose their king is a brutal, bloody affair that makes all our wars combined seem petty and small. So, the fact that he's on the throne and has held the crown for several hundreds of years proves how much strength and power he has and also how ruthless and cunning he is. Dealing with him is foolhardy at best; lethal at worst. However, the sheer amount of his power is enthralling to those who seek such things. So, a summoning was attempted. He easily could have ignored it, or even destroyed the spell and all the casters. But, instead, he—" Rand'din broke off. After a moment of silence, studying Vania, he asked, "I'm sorry. Let me back up. Are you familiar with warlocks?"

"I've heard of them," Vania replied tersely, crossing her arms.

"Enough to know where their powers come from?"

"It's said they make deals with either devils or gods to gain power," she answered. "I suppose you'd like to explain it?"

"No. You know enough. I apologize if you thought I was belittling you, Elite Enforcer Nahalora; since you're not a magic user yourself, I wasn't sure how familiar you are with the various classes of magic users."

"So, you're saying the Dark Eaters is a group of warlocks who made a deal with this demon king? Is that it?"

"That's the short version, yes," Rand'din replied, nodding once. "However, that explanation is hardly satisfying, given what some of the members have put you and others through, is it? Allow me to elucidate for you."

"Very well." Vania looked at the vial of darkness again, frowning. She set it on the table, eyes catching on the silver circlets still resting beside the seal charm and the recording crystal.

Rand'din noticed her gaze and sighed. He held out his bound hands. "I suppose you need to put those back on me now."

Vania reached over and plucked up the circlets with her long fingers, thumb rubbing the smooth edge as she turned back to her former coworker. His eyes were closed, and she listened in silence to his carefully measured breaths. She looked down at the circlets in her hands again, her mind recalling yesterday and how he flinched as they were placed upon him. She set them back on the table.

"As long as you keep your word not to do any further magic, I won't need to until this interview is concluded."

He opened his eyes and looked at her, asking slowly, "I will do as I promised, but do you trust my word?"

"No," she replied. She glanced down at the circlets, frowning, then looked back up at the wizard. "But I don't believe in torture."

Rand'din drew his hands back into his lap, sighing softly, head bowed. "I thank you for this mercy, Elite Enforcer Nahalora. It is good to be able to think clearly again."

"Just don't make me regret it," she replied, still frowning. "Now, you were going to tell me about the deal you and the other Dark Eaters made with that demon king."

"Honestly... it wasn't my pact. I wasn't even part of the group at that time. But, yes. The explanation for how they came to be."

The room was silent. Vania sat, watching Rand'din. She cleared her throat.

Finally, Rand'din spoke again. "I apologize. I was simply gathering my thoughts. You have no idea how jumbled your mind becomes when your powers are blocked."

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