Chapter 27

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Vania knocked on the door while Eddin tied Tarva to the small hitching post.

"Ah, good morning, Vania. Eddin." Derry opened the door, gesturing inside. "Come in and come upstairs."

"Shouldn't you be...?" Vania asked.

Derry smiled. "Bakery's opening late today. Come inside. We made a big breakfast."

"Did I hear you say Vania and Eddin are here, dear?" Licia called from within the house.

Derry turned as he called, "Yes."

A flurry of footsteps on the stairs brought Licia to the door, Kuran and Cianna on her heels.

"Vania!" Licia grabbed her into a tight hug. "How are you this morning?"

Kuran smiled up at Vania. "Is your being here mean you're gonna stay today?"

Vania chuckled as she stepped back from Licia's embrace to look down at Kuran. "No. I have to take care of some things today. Maybe later."

Cianna hung back near her father, smiling at Vania. She caught a glimpse of Eddin, gasped, and hurried away upstairs.

Derry watched her flee, then smiled apologetically at Eddin. "She's still a little shy. Getting better every day, but those kinds of things... they leave a mark."

Eddin just nodded. "I understand."

Derry began herding the family back inside. "Come on, breakfast's waiting."

Vania paused when Eddin didn't follow.

"You go on and eat breakfast. I'll stay out here."

Derry looked at him askance. "You... could come in, you know."

Eddin smiled. "Thank you for the invitation. But I'll just stay out here."

"I'll send Kuran down with a plate," Derry said as he nodded and turned.

"So, he spent the night?" Eddin heard Licia ask.

Vania's voice replied, "Yes. Oh, don't give me that look. He slept on the floor."

"On the floor?! How could he have been comfortable there?"

"He wouldn't really fit anywhere else, Licia. Besides, he seemed comfortable enough—when I got up this morning, he was snoring. Prant was sprawled in the crook of his arm. Eluri was curled on his chest..."

The voices faded as the door finished closing.

Eddin turned as light footsteps stirred the dirt of the alley. A cloaked figure approached; crossed axes and arrows lined the edge of the hood.

"Quinsenniel." Eddin looked down at the hooded figure as the man stopped in front of him. "What do you want now?"

Quinsenniel smirked from under his hood and held out a black satchel. "This is for Taila's daughter. From her cousin."

Eddin frowned, eyeing the bag without taking it. "They're not cousins. And she didn't agree to pay for any information from Nanda, so she won't want that."

"My mistress says it's covered."

Eddin crossed his arms.

"Very well. Take it or not, I care not." Quinsenniel lowered the satchel to the ground by its strap, letting the bag lean against the wall. "I have followed my orders and delivered the parcel." He turned and walked away.

Vania stepped out from the door. "Did you eat?" she asked as Eddin quickly stood and brushed himself off.

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