Chapter 24

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"Good work, Vania," Commander Aleira said as she set down the messy parchments. "You figured out a loophole to beat the curse. And now we have the identity of our viper." She sighed. "He was so promising, too. Pity the Dark Eaters got to him. Well, no matter. I will send a contingent with you to arrest him." She opened the drawer of her desk and rummaged around, then pulled out two silver circlets. "Put these on his wrists in addition to the regular restraints; they'll prevent him from using his magical powers."

"Commander... I'm concerned. The last people we arrested who had ties to the Dark Eaters ended up dead..." Vania bit her lip. "I know he might've been the one to do it, or help the one who did, but... I still worry. Something might happen to him before we can get answers from him."

"Once you've taken him into custody, you'll bring him here. I will see to his incarceration personally, and it will be in a secret place, so no one should know where to find him." She held out the silver circlets and a red ribbon. "Take these. Give the ribbon to the shiftmaster on your way out. He'll gather your arresting force. Don't leave without them."

Vania nodded tiredly. "Yes, Commander Aleira. We will return."

She and Eddin walked out of the commander's office.

As they were waiting for the shiftmaster to assemble their promised backup, Eddin looked over at Vania. "Rand'din. Can you believe it? I mean, I know he's an awful snob, but—murder? I just can't see it."

"Sometimes, people are good at hiding aspects of themselves," Vania replied quietly. "I never would've suspected him, either."

"I mean, he helped us with so many cases! And, with the help of his toymaker uncle, he was able to repair Laria's doll, so she could have something her father had made." Eddin sighed. "I just... don't understand."

"Sometimes it's not about understanding, Eddin. People are complicated."

"You're our lead today?" one of the assembled enforcers asked, looking at Eddin.

"Nope, I'm just her work partner," Eddin replied easily. He jerked his thumb at Vania. "Elite Enforcer Vania Nahalora is our lead on this."

The speaker blinked, then seemed to realize Eddin's uniform was the same shade of blue as her own. She looked at Vania. "What's the case?"

Vania sighed. "We've discovered that an enforcer of the Lower Quarter Station has been aiding a criminal organization. We are going to the station to bring him into custody."

Several in the group began murmuring.

"How reliable is your information?"

"Arrest one of our own?"

"Who do you think it is?"

"Lower Quarter? Isn't that where the commoner was stationed?"

"Wonder what'll happen to him? Commander doesn't take kindly to traitors."

"Really? One of our own enforcers?"

"We're expected to arrest a brother-in-arms?"

"Lower Quarter's been seeing lots of action lately."

Eddin cleared his throat loudly. "I know what Enforcer Nahalora just said was shocking. Several of you are probably uneasy about arresting a fellow enforcer. If you have qualms about it, leave now." He waited. No one moved. "Good. Commander Aleira assigned you to us for this—that means she trusts you with this." He looked to Vania.

"He's an enforcer wizard, so we need to be cautious," Vania said. "I've been given a means to block his powers, but it only works once it's on him. I'm hoping he won't resist, but if he does, we need to apply whatever force necessary."

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