Chapter 50

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Jihyo stood before the elegant doorway of Yoongi's childhood home, a bouquet of flowers cradled in her arms. She took a deep breath, a mix of nervousness and excitement fluttering in her chest. This would be the first time she was visiting her mother-in-law after their honeymoon, and she hoped to create a warm bond with her.

As the door swung open, Yoongi's mother greeted her with a warm smile. "Jihyo, dear, it's lovely to see you."

"Hello, Mrs. Min," Jihyo replied, her own smile matching the older woman's warmth.

"Call me mom already," Yoongi's mother teased, and Jihyo laughed.

The two embraced a gesture that felt both reassuring and comforting. As Jihyo handed over the bouquet, she admired the tastefully decorated living room that exuded an air of elegance and tradition.

"Please, come in," Yoongi's mother invited, leading Jihyo to a cozy sitting area. "Have a seat. Would you like some tea?"

"That would be wonderful, thank you," Jihyo replied, settling into the plush armchair.

As they sipped their tea, Jihyo couldn't help but feel a sense of ease settling over her. She began recounting the details of their honeymoon—the pristine beaches, the sunsets that painted the skies in breathtaking hues, and the quiet moments they had shared.

"Yoongi really planned the perfect getaway," Jihyo said with a fond smile. "It was so relaxing and wonderful."

Yoongi's mother nodded, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "He always had a flair for surprises, even as a child."

As the conversation flowed, Jihyo's nerves dissipated, and she found herself sharing more about her life, dreams, and aspirations. It was a chance to connect on a deeper level, and she felt a sense of gratitude for the woman who had raised the man she loved.

As they continued chatting, Jihyo couldn't help but feel a wave of nausea wash over her. She paused, her hand instinctively resting on her stomach.

"Are you feeling alright, dear?" Yoongi's mother asked, concern evident in her eyes.

Jihyo took a deep breath, deciding to share her current experience. "Actually, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, Mrs. Min. Lately, I've been feeling a bit nauseous in the mornings."

Yoongi's mother regarded her thoughtfully, her gaze kind and understanding. "Nauseous, you say?"

"Yes," Jihyo admitted, feeling a mixture of emotions. "And I've also been more tired than usual."

A knowing smile played on Yoongi's mother's lips. "Well, my dear, those symptoms might be telling you something important."

Jihyo's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Yoongi's mother leaned forward, her expression gentle. "Jihyo, my dear, have you considered the possibility that you might be pregnant?"

Jihyo's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. She had thought about the possibility, but hearing it spoken aloud by Yoongi's mother brought a rush of emotions.

"Pregnant?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Yoongi's mother nodded, her smile filled with warmth. "It's quite common for those symptoms to indicate pregnancy. Perhaps it's time for you to take a test, just to be sure."

Jihyo's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Could it be true? Could she really be carrying their child? She felt a mixture of excitement, joy, and a hint of trepidation.

"I... I will," Jihyo stammered her heart racing.

Yoongi's mother reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Jihyo's. "Remember, dear, whatever the result may be, you have our support. And if you are indeed expecting, it will be a beautiful new chapter in your journey together."

As Jihyo left Yoongi's childhood home that day, her heart was brimming with a newfound sense of hope and wonder. She clutched the bouquet of flowers and the possibility of a new life, knowing that whatever the future held, she had a loving family by her side.

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