Chapter 35

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the cabin's interior. The crackling fire in the fireplace added to the cozy ambiance, creating a haven where Yoongi and Jihyo could escape from the world and bask in the beauty of their connection.

As evening settled in, Jihyo realized she had left her phone in the bedroom. She made her way down the hallway, her footsteps soft on the wooden floor, and reached for the doorknob. With a light push, she entered the room, only to freeze in her tracks at the sight before her.

Yoongi stood by the bed, his back to the door, in the process of changing his shirt. His bare torso was a sight to behold, and Jihyo felt her cheeks heat up as she took in the unexpected view.

Her gasp of surprise caught Yoongi's attention, and he turned around, his eyes widening when he saw Jihyo standing there, her expression a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

"J-Jihyo!" Yoongi stammered, his own cheeks turning a shade of pink.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Jihyo exclaimed, her voice barely above a whisper. She quickly averted her gaze, her heart racing a mile a minute.

As she stood there, her heart pounding in her chest, Jihyo couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. She had seen Yoongi in various outfits and scenarios, but this was an entirely new side of him—an intimate, vulnerable moment that was meant to be private.

Her cheeks were ablaze with a mixture of embarrassment and shyness. She felt a rush of warmth spread through her body, her heart fluttering like a trapped butterfly. It wasn't just his physique that had caught her off guard; it was the realization that she was witnessing a part of him that he had chosen to share only with her.

Yoongi hurriedly grabbed a shirt from the bed and pulled it over his head, his movements slightly awkward as he tried to regain his composure. "No, it's okay. I should have locked the door."

Jihyo peeked at him from behind her fingers, her cheeks still flushed. "I didn't mean to barge in like that."

A soft chuckle escaped from Yoongi's lips, the tension between them easing. "It's fine, really. We're in this together, right?"

Her lips curled into a shy smile, and she nodded. "Yeah, I guess so."

She couldn't help but steal glances at him, her gaze drawn to the way his shirt clung to his shoulders, revealing the contours of his toned frame. It was as if she was seeing him for the first time all over again, and the sight left her both flustered and captivated.

As their eyes met once more, Yoongi approached Jihyo, his fingers gently lifting her chin to meet his gaze.

"You don't have to be shy," he murmured, his voice tender. "We're partners, and there's no need for secrets between us."

Jihyo's blush deepened, but she met his gaze with a small smile. "I know, it's just... unexpected."

He grinned, his fingers tracing soothing circles on her cheek. "Well, get used to it. We're going to be sharing a lot of unexpected moments in the future."

A playful glint sparkled in her eyes, and her laughter spilled out like a melody. "Is that so?"

Yoongi's smile was warm and reassuring. "Absolutely. And I promise to be less surprised if you promise not to walk in on me changing again."

Jihyo giggled her laughter a symphony that echoed in the room. "Deal."

At that moment, the awkwardness of the situation had transformed into a shared memory—a memory that held a special place in her heart. As they laughed and teased each other, Jihyo realized that their love was about embracing all the moments, whether they were perfect or wonderfully imperfect. And in the cozy cabin, amidst the crackling fire and their shared laughter, their bond grew stronger, each heartbeat echoing the rhythm of their journey.

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