Chapter 49

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Jihyo's heart danced with anticipation as she stood outside the door of the TWICE dorm. The past weeks had been a whirlwind of joy and intimacy with Yoongi, and now she couldn't wait to share her happiness with her fellow TWICE members. With a bright smile, she knocked on the door, her excitement palpable.

The door swung open to reveal Nayeon, who greeted Jihyo with a warm hug. "Jihyo, you're back! We missed you so much!"

Jihyo returned the hug, her eyes shining with delight. "I missed you all too, more than you can imagine."

As Jihyo stepped inside, the rest of the members gathered around, their smiles wide and welcoming. Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Jeongyeon, and Momo—it was a reunion filled with laughter and hugs, a chorus of voices that echoed with happiness.

"You look so happy, Jihyo," Jeongyeon remarked, a knowing twinkle in her eye.

Jihyo's cheeks flushed as she nodded. "I am more than words can express. Our honeymoon was... magical."

"Tell us everything!" Sana chimed in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Settling onto the couch, Jihyo began to paint a vivid picture of their honeymoon—a canvas filled with golden sunsets, moonlit walks along the beach, and shared laughter over candlelit dinners. She spoke of the cozy moments in their luxurious apartment, where they had built a home that echoed their love.

"Sounds like a dream," Momo sighed wistfully.

"It truly was," Jihyo agreed. "And the best part is that we were able to cherish every moment, just the two of us."

The conversation flowed seamlessly, a tapestry of shared stories and laughter. But as the night deepened, the atmosphere shifted to one of camaraderie and closeness.

"Jihyo," Chaeyoung began, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Did you and Yoongi... you know?"

Jihyo's eyes widened, and a faint blush spread across her cheeks. She exchanged a quick glance with Nayeon, who winked playfully.

"Chaeyoung, that's a bit personal," Dahyun chided, her lips twitching in amusement.

"I'm just curious!" Chaeyoung defended, her eyes dancing with laughter.

Jihyo cleared her throat, feeling a mixture of shyness and amusement. "Well, um... yes."

The dorm erupted in cheers and teasing, leaving Jihyo to bury her face in her hands in embarrassment.

"Told you!" Chaeyoung exclaimed triumphantly.

Amidst the laughter and lighthearted banter, Jihyo couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging—a reassurance that her TWICE sisters were always there to share in her joys and sorrows.

As the evening wound down, the members exchanged hugs and promises to catch up again soon. Jihyo stepped out of the TWICE dorm, her heart light and her smile bright.

The journey of love and discovery she had embarked upon with Yoongi was one that she could now share with those who meant the world to her. As she walked away, the echoes of shared laughter and whispered secrets remained—a testament to the unbreakable bond that tied their hearts together.

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