Chapter 4

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As the international tour with TWICE ended, Jihyo found herself on a plane back to Seoul, her heart a mixture of emotions. The memories of the tour—energetic crowds, exhilarating performances, and the electric energy of different cities—still pulsed through her veins. But beneath the excitement of the journey lay a sense of longing—a longing for the familiar and the comforting.

As the plane touched down in Seoul, a wave of nostalgia washed over Jihyo. The city's skyline, towering buildings, and twinkling lights welcomed her back like an old friend. She retrieved her luggage and stepped out of the airport, her senses immediately enveloped by her hometown's familiar sounds and scents.

In the days that followed, Jihyo seamlessly slipped back into her routine. Rehearsals, meetings, and preparations for upcoming TWICE activities filled her schedule. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of her idol life, her thoughts often strayed to a specific convenience store—a place with a special significance, where her unexpected connection with Yoongi had begun.

One evening, as the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Jihyo found herself standing outside the convenience store once again. The store's windows gleamed invitingly, promising the comfort of familiar snacks and the possibility of another chance encounter.

Her heart raced as she entered the store, the faint chime of the entrance signaling her arrival. The interior was as she remembered—neatly organized shelves, a subtle hum of refrigerators, and the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. As her eyes roamed the aisles, a sense of excitement filled her—a quiet anticipation that tingled in the air.

And there he was, amidst the shelves, his gaze focused on the snacks before him. Yoongi turned, his eyes meeting hers, and a smile broke across his face—a smile that held a mix of surprise and delight.

"Jihyo," he greeted, his voice carrying a warmth that sent a shiver down her spine, "welcome back."

Jihyo's lips curved into a reciprocal smile, her heart fluttering at the sight of him. "Yoongi! It's good to see you."

As they approached each other, the awkwardness of a reunion faded quickly. It was as if the months apart had been a mere pause—a brief interlude in their connection. Jihyo's heart swelled with comfort as they fell into an easy rhythm of conversation, their words flowing effortlessly.

They strolled through the aisles, their laughter ringing out as they shared stories of their respective experiences since their last meeting. Jihyo recounted the tour—the highs of performing for enthusiastic crowds, the challenges of adjusting to new time zones, and the camaraderie among the TWICE members. Yoongi, in turn, opened up about his endeavors—the creative process in the studio, the dynamic among the BTS members, and the gratification of pursuing music that resonated with their fans.

As they stepped outside the store, snacks in hand, the city around them seemed to come alive with a renewed vibrancy. The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a twilight sky painted with hues of pink and orange. The air was crisp, and the city's lights twinkled, casting a magical aura over the streets.

"Yoongi," Jihyo began, her voice tinged with vulnerability and determination, "I've missed our late-night talks. With the tour and everything, it feels like time slipped away."

Yoongi's gaze softened a sense of understanding evident in his eyes. "I've missed them too, Jihyo. It's been quieter without our conversations."

They found a bench nearby and settled down, their snacks forgotten momentarily as they leaned back, gazing at the cityscape before them. This shared moment was intimate—a connection transcending time and distance.

Jihyo's smile was soft, her voice carrying sincerity from her heart's depths. "Yoongi, amidst all the chaos, these late-night talks have become a sanctuary for me. A reminder of the ordinary moments that make life extraordinary."

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