Chapter 37

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The day had arrived, wrapped in a delicate veil of anticipation and nerves. Jihyo stood before the mirror in her apartment, her reflection showing a young woman dressed in an elegant yet simple dress—a choice that felt both comfortable and fitting for the occasion.

Yoongi had promised to pick her up, and as the minutes ticked by, her heart beat a little faster with every passing second. She couldn't help but think about the significance of this meeting—the moment when their worlds would come together, bridging the gap between their lives and the lives of their families.

A soft knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and she took a deep breath, her fingers brushing against the fabric of her dress as she made her way to answer it.

As she opened the door, a wave of warmth and familiarity washed over her. Yoongi stood there, looking dashing in a suit that fit him perfectly. His eyes met hers, a tender smile curving his lips.

"Hey," he said softly, his voice a gentle melody.

"Hi," Jihyo replied, her own smile mirroring his. "You look amazing."

He stepped inside, his fingers brushing against hers. "And you look absolutely stunning."

Her cheeks tinged with a soft pink, and she chuckled, feeling a mixture of flattery and nervousness. "Thank you."

As they made their way to the car, Jihyo couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling within her. She stole glances at Yoongi, her heart swelling with gratitude for the man beside her—someone who had entered her life unexpectedly and had become her anchor, her partner, and her greatest source of happiness.

The drive to Yoongi's parents' house was filled with comfortable silence, a testament to the ease of their companionship. The familiar streets of Seoul seemed to fly by, and before she knew it, they were pulling up in front of a quaint house nestled in a quiet neighborhood.

Yoongi turned off the ignition, his gaze softening as he looked at Jihyo. "Are you ready?"

She took a deep breath, her nerves fluttering within her. "I think so."

He reached for her hand, his touch grounding her. "Remember, they're going to love you. Just be yourself."

Jihyo smiled, her heart warming at his reassurance. "I'll do my best."

Together, they walked up the path to the front door. Yoongi rang the doorbell, and after a few moments, the door swung open to reveal his parents—two people whose features and expressions held a hint of the man Jihyo had come to love. The evening air was cool and crisp as Jihyo and Yoongi arrived at his parents' house. The warm glow of the porch light welcomed them, casting a gentle illumination on the path to the front door. Jihyo's heart beat a little faster with a mix of excitement and nervousness, a delicate blend of emotions that accompanied her on this special occasion.

As Yoongi rang the doorbell, Jihyo shifted slightly, her fingers curling around the small gift box in her bag. Inside the box was a delicate porcelain tea set—a token of appreciation she had carefully chosen to express her gratitude for their warm welcome.

The door opened, revealing Yoongi's parents—two familiar faces whose smiles radiated kindness and warmth. Jihyo felt a surge of affection as she greeted them, her heart swelling with appreciation for their acceptance and the love they had shown her.

His mother's eyes twinkled with warmth, and his father greeted them with a friendly smile. "Yoongi, it's good to see you."

"Mom, Dad, this is Jihyo," Yoongi said, his voice steady. "Jihyo, meet my parents."

One Summer's DayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz