Chapter 22

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The café's cozy atmosphere provided a backdrop for Haerin and Ji-eun's intense brainstorming session. Laptops open and notebooks sprawled across the table, they were on a mission to take their investigation to new heights—reaching out to key players within the entertainment industry to secure an interview with BTS's Yoongi and TWICE's Jihyo.

"We need to approach this strategically," Haerin said, her eyes focused on her laptop screen. "Reaching out to staff members, colleagues, and other idols who might have insights or observations about their relationship could give us a better understanding."

Ji-eun nodded in agreement. "If we can gather testimonials or anecdotes from people who have worked closely with Yoongi and Jihyo, it could add depth to our narrative and provide a more comprehensive perspective."

With a shared sense of determination, they compiled a list of potential contacts, names of individuals who could shed light on the dynamic between the two idols. Their fingers danced across the keyboard as they composed emails, explaining the purpose of their investigation and the significance of their quest for truth.

The responses began to trickle in over the next few days, each email carrying a glimmer of hope and the potential for new insights. Haerin and Ji-eun sifted through the messages, their excitement building with each confirmation and willingness to participate.

"It looks like we have an interview with a choreographer who worked with both BTS and TWICE," Ji-eun announced, a smile tugging at her lips. "They might have observed interactions between Yoongi and Jihyo that could be valuable."

Haerin nodded, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the table. "And I've received a positive response from a makeup artist who has worked with Jihyo. They mentioned a certain camaraderie and comfort level between her and Yoongi."

As the emails piled up, Haerin and Ji-eun began to see a pattern—a pattern of collaboration, shared experiences, and a connection that extended beyond the stage. The testimonies they had gathered painted a picture of a relationship that was rooted in mutual respect, trust, and a genuine bond.

With their newfound insights, Haerin and Ji-eun embarked on the next phase of their investigation—reaching out to the companies that managed BTS and TWICE. They were aware that securing an interview with the idols themselves would require navigating the intricate web of agencies, schedules, and public image.

Haerin drafted an email to Big Hit Entertainment, BTS's agency, carefully outlining their intentions and the evidence they had gathered. She highlighted the importance of allowing Yoongi to share his perspective and address the rumors directly.

Ji-eun's fingers flew across the keyboard as she composed a similar email to JYP Entertainment, TWICE's agency. She emphasized the significance of providing Jihyo with a platform to address the speculation surrounding her relationship with Yoongi.

"We need to make it clear that our intention is to present a fair and balanced narrative," Ji-eun said, her voice determined. "This is an opportunity for them to control their own narrative."

Haerin nodded in agreement. "We've done our due diligence in gathering evidence and insights. Now it's about giving them the chance to speak their truth."

As they hit the send button on their emails, a mix of anticipation and nervousness settled over them. The ball was now in the court of the entertainment companies, and the outcome of their requests remained uncertain.

Days turned into weeks, and Haerin and Ji-eun's anticipation grew. Every incoming email notification sent a rush of excitement through their veins, only to be followed by a pang of disappointment when it wasn't the response they were hoping for.

One evening, as they sat in the café, Ji-eun's phone buzzed with a new email notification. Her heart skipped a beat as she unlocked her phone and read the subject line: "Re: Interview Request."

Haerin held her breath as Ji-eun opened the email, her eyes scanning the words that held the potential to change the course of their investigation. Ji-eun's face lit up as she read the message from JYP Entertainment.

"They're open to the idea of an interview with Jihyo," Ji-eun announced, her voice a mix of excitement and disbelief.

Haerin's heart raced. The possibility of interviewing Jihyo was within their grasp—an opportunity that could provide valuable insights and a deeper understanding of her relationship with Yoongi.

"We need to respond and set up a meeting," Haerin said, her voice tinged with urgency. "This could be our chance to hear directly from her."

Ji-eun nodded, her fingers already flying across the keyboard as she composed a response. "Let's express our gratitude and outline our intentions for the interview. We need to ensure that she feels comfortable and empowered to share her perspective."

As they finalized their response, a renewed sense of purpose settled over them. The pursuit of truth had led them to this moment—a moment where they were on the brink of hearing from the idols themselves, gaining insights that could shape the course of their investigation.

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