Chapter 1

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Seoul's streets were adorned with a tapestry of neon lights, a vibrant symphony dancing beneath the night sky's canvas. Amid this bustling metropolis, Min Yoongi—Suga of BTS—navigated the intricate maze of his relentless schedule. As a global idol, his days were an intricate blend of rehearsals, interviews, performances, and an unending stream of obligations.

Draped in his signature black attire and a beanie pulled low, Yoongi maneuvered through the corridors of Big Hit Entertainment's headquarters. The day had been a whirlwind—intense meetings to discuss upcoming releases, rigorous vocal practices, and choreography sessions that stretched well into the evening. Fatigue hung heavy upon his shoulders, a companion he had grown accustomed to.

The members of BTS dispersed to their own corners of the world as the night deepened, seeking solace in their individual sanctuaries. However, Yoongi found himself drawn to his makeshift studio, a haven where he poured his heart and soul into his music. The studio walls bore witness to his creative journey—a canvas adorned with lyrics, melodies, and fragments of inspiration.

The passage of time blurred as Yoongi became lost in his work, his focus unwavering. The soft glow of the monitors cast an ethereal light upon his features, his fingers dancing across the keyboard in rhythmic patterns. Amidst this creative fervor, the outside world dwindled to a mere whisper—an echo in the backdrop of his consciousness.

As the clock struck well past midnight, Yoongi's relentless dedication finally relented. He leaned back in his chair, stretching his weary limbs and massaging his temples. The weight of his responsibilities, the ceaseless pursuit of perfection, bore down on him—a reminder of his sacrifices for his craft.

With a sigh, he shut down his equipment, the studio descending into silence again. Yoongi's steps were weary as he left the confined space, his thoughts swirling with melodies and aspirations. The sanctuary of the dormitory beckoned, its quiet embrace promising a brief respite before the cycle of schedules resumed.

But fate had other plans.

As he entered the dormitory, an inner restlessness tugged at his senses—a yearning for a taste of normalcy, a reprieve from the chaos that defined his life. The small convenience store down the street seemed to beckon to him, its lights a beacon of simplicity in a world that often demanded grandeur.

With a sense of purpose, Yoongi slipped out of the dormitory; his footsteps light against the pavement. The night air was cool against his skin, a refreshing contrast to the controlled environments he was accustomed to. The convenience store's entrance chimed with a familiar jingle as he stepped inside, the scent of snacks and coffee enveloping him.

Yoongi's gaze swept over the neatly organized shelves, each item a reminder of the mundane existence he sometimes craved. His fingers grazed over packages and bottles, a sense of nostalgia tugging at his heart. The simplicity of it all—the everyday routines that often went unnoticed in the grand tapestry of his life as an idol—felt like a distant dream.

His attention was drawn to a small display of instant ramen, and memories of late-night meals with his fellow BTS members flooded his mind. He chuckled softly, reminiscing about the times they huddled together, hungry and determined, in the early days of their journey. It was a testament to the bonds they had forged—a camaraderie withstood the test of time and fame.

After selecting his items—a bottle of water, a pack of instant ramen, and a bag of chips—Yoongi glanced at the time on his phone. It was well past midnight, and he knew another demanding day awaited him. With a resigned but determined expression, he returned to the dormitory, his mind already turning to the challenges ahead.

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