Chapter 24

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The moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft, silvery glow over the quiet streets of Seoul. Haerin walked briskly, her footsteps echoing against the pavement, lost in her thoughts. The weight of their investigation and the upcoming interviews with Jihyo and Yoongi bore down on her, filling her with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.

As she turned a corner, lost in her contemplation, her eyes widened in surprise. There, standing under the flickering streetlight, was Jihyo. She seemed lost in her own world, with a hint of weariness in her posture.

Haerin's heart raced. This was an unexpected turn of events—one that presented an opportunity she hadn't anticipated. Gathering her courage, she approached Jihyo, her voice gentle yet resolute.

"Jihyo?" she called softly.

Jihyo looked up, her eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and caution. "Yes?"

"I'm Haerin," she introduced herself, offering a reassuring smile. "We've been conducting an investigation about you and Yoongi."

Jihyo's expression flickered with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. "Investigation?"

Haerin nodded, her tone empathetic. "But please don't be alarmed. Our intention is not to invade your privacy but to give you and Yoongi a chance to control your narrative. To let your voices be heard."

Jihyo regarded her with a searching gaze, a mix of emotions playing across her features. "You want us to speak for ourselves?"

"Yes," Haerin affirmed. "We've seen how the media can distort stories, and we believe that you both deserve to share your perspective, your emotions, and the truth of your relationship."

Jihyo's guard seemed to lower slightly, a glimmer of understanding in her eyes. "You want to give us a platform."

"That's right," Haerin said. "We want to empower you to take control of your own story. To let the world see the real you, beyond the headlines and rumors."

Jihyo's shoulders seemed to relax, and a tentative smile graced her lips. "That's... a refreshing approach."

Haerin's smile was warm, her empathy genuine. "We understand the weight that comes with being in the public eye. And we want to help alleviate some of that burden by letting you and Yoongi share your truth."

Jihyo's gaze held a mixture of gratitude and contemplation. "Thank you, Haerin. I appreciate your sincerity."

As they stood under the moonlit sky, a connection seemed to form—a connection born of a shared mission and a shared understanding. Haerin's heart swelled with a sense of purpose, knowing that they were taking a step toward something greater than themselves.

Several days later, as Ji-eun walked along a quiet alley, her mind abuzz with thoughts of their upcoming interviews, she came to a stop, her gaze fixed on a figure ahead. It was Jihyo, standing near a café, lost in thought.

Ji-eun took a deep breath, her heart pounding with a mix of nerves and determination. She approached Jihyo, her voice soft but unwavering.


Jihyo looked up, her eyes widening as she recognized Ji-Eun. "Oh, you're..."

"I'm Ji-eun," she introduced herself, offering a friendly smile. "We've been looking into your story, your relationship with Yoongi."

Jihyo's expression shifted, a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "You're the journalists."

Ji-eun nodded, her tone sincere. "Yes, but please don't think of us as intrusive reporters. We want to give you and Yoongi a chance to have your voices heard."

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