Feelings unfold and flourish

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-Chapter 19-

It's amazing how a conversation can change everything.

'Mikasa, I thought you left,' said Jas, as she came out of the toilets and began washing her hands.

'Oh Jesus, you're Mikasa?' yelped the close cleavage girl.

I just nodded my head. I had forgotten she was there for a second.

'Who's she?' asked Jas confused.

What's her name again? Oh, wait. I've always referred her as the too close cleavage girl. She never told me her name.

'Susan,' she answered.

Oh, so that's her name.

'Okay...' Jas said.

'I'm so jealous. Man, Alex's such a great guy. I wish you luck,' she said blissfully and skipped out the restroom.

After Susan had left, Jas began talking, her eyes brown eyes shining.

'Isn't Alex that guy who helped you in the race?' she asked.

'Yeah,' I said, imaging his panting face when he helped me finish the race.

'I don't want to be nosy or anything but does he like you or something?' she asked curiously.

I walked out of the toilets a blush forming on my face.

Like me? I guess, from what Susan said earlier. I could hear Jas catching up to me. How should I explain to her? Do I say he just likes me or do I explain how we met and so fourth?

'It's all right if you don't want to tell me,' she said sincerely but I could see the curiosity in her eyes.

'Yeah,' I said awkwardly.

'If you like him, I mean like if. You should tell him how you feel. You can't find a guy like that in a million years,' she laughed and took a seat on a nearby bench.

'He's a really nice guy. It's weird because it wasn't love at first sight,' I said as I took a seat next to her, crossing my legs.

'So you do like him, cool. Sometimes the person you like doesn't feel the same about you, you're lucky Mikasa.' She said simply and looked up into the never-ending sky.

You're lucky Mikasa.

After school

The words Jas had said kept on echoing through my head. It was pleasant and unpleasant at the same time.

I took my phone out of my bag to check for missed calls but there weren't any. I was expecting Alexander to call me back like he always does. I frown. What if something happened? I didn't like the sound of that. Numerous thoughts splashed through my head and it was not pleasing. I looked for Alexander's number and called him once again.

Come on, pick up.


I bit my lip and looked up to see Darren walking towards me.

'Hey,' he said and smiled, the smile I use to melt for.

I ignored him; this isn't the right time for small talk.

He frowned but I didn't care. Alexander didn't pick up and I called again, hoping maybe he didn't hear it the first one.

Darren started waving his hands in front of my face and I gave him the, 'what the hell do you want face?'

What she saw in HimWhere stories live. Discover now