Two different people

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-Chapter 2-

I got to my classroom before everyone else. Argh, maths on a Monday morning, what a pain in the ass. I may be a nerd but it still bores me to death.





Finally, the teacher came and opened the door so our class could go in. I took a seat right in the corner. Sadly, Courtney won't be here so I'll be sitting by myself for a while. I lay my head down on the cold table, turn my head toward the window and snuggle up in my scarf. I was just about to fall asleep when someone called me. I think it was a males voice.

'Hey, do you mind if I sit here?' he asked.

Who the hell asked that these days. I gave him the ok sign with my right fingers.

Just when I was about to go back to my nap the music went on and it was just horrible. No offense to opera singers. I just personally don't like opera. I decided to get up and write down the learning intention since I'm definitely not going back to sleep.

Then, that's when I remembered there was a guy who asked if he could sit next to me. I wonder why? I turned to face him. Then it hit me.

I kept my eyes on him wondering if I got the wrong person. Then his cheeks began to redden. Yep, it's definitely him. The blush determined it all.

'Alexander?' I asked jovially.

'Um, hi. I just thought it would be easier if I sat next to someone who I knew. You don't mind, right?' he asked.

'I do,' I replied.

His face paled, he got up and began moving his things.

'Oh come on, it was only a joke. But anyway how did you recognise me, I was kind of napping,' I told him. I did the sleeping posture, where your two hands are used as a pillow to lie on.

'I'm not sure. I guess it's because your unique,' he said quietly.

'Oh,' I said my face reddening up a bit.

It was such an innocent and straightforward answer yet, I couldn't help but turn away so he couldn't see my flushed face.

Then I spotted Darren. My mouth automatically formed a smile, I couldn't help it. He was as handsome as always. His nice build, light blonde hair and dark brown eyes that seem to swallow me in whole. He was walking in with his friends and yet to me he stood out like the ugly duckling. No, no, whoops. How could I have made a simile out of him and the ugly duckling? I'm really bad at this stuff but you get the point. He's just damn hot.

He turned towards my direction and I quickly pretended to write but really I was just moving my pen. That was a close call. Alexander stared at me like I was crazy which I probably was at some point.

'Just flexing my fingers and all,' I said and smiled my friendliest smile.

He just nodded.

Alex and I ended up sitting together for most of our periods, which I was cool with. I didn't have anyone to hang out with and Alex proved to be a worthy...friend? Were we even friends?

We did our work together. He proved to be pretty smart considering I was top of the class, then he would be right on my heels. The only thing he lacked was confidence. He didn't seem use to communicating with people. I kind of felt sorry for the guy because he hadn't made any friends besides me, if I could call myself that.

I finished all my homework that was handed out today, like the nerd I am. I began stretching. Crack, crack...crack...ding!

Who could have texted me at this time? I went over to check my phone.


Darren: Hey.

My heart began to pound. Did he really just text me? Oh my gosh! Calm down Mikasa and think logical. He probably texted you because he needed help on his homework.

Mikasa: Hey, what's up?

Darren: How do you do the maths sheet?

What did I say. It's a really common thing. Everyone would always ask me about homework, actually that's the only reason they text me. Which is embarrassing, but true.

Mikasa: Which section?

Darren: All of it. Actually can you just do it for me?

Keep calm Mikasa. Not all people are as smart as you. Although, this is not the case of being smart or not because this was all explained in class. Which means, he obviously didn't listen. Just because I like him doesn't mean I'm going to donate my answers to him. So I did what all nerds would do.

Mikasa: In your dreams. Actually, never because you still get to see my answers. :P

Darren: Oh come on, Mika?

My cheeks reddened. There he goes again calling me Mika. I let him because I think it's cute. It makes me feel... special to him.

Mikasa: I hate you.

Darren: I love you too.

That's when my heart stopped. Not really, or else I would be dead right now. I know that he's only joking because I said I hate you and he just went with the flow but I can't help but feel happy inside.

Darren: Mikasa?

Darren: You're not dead, are you?

Mikasa: I'll die when you're dead.

Darren: Mhm. Playing Romeo and Juliet style, are we?

This guy does not know when to stop. Maybe that's why I love him so much.

Mikasa: Shut up or else I won't give you my answers.

Darren: Shuts up*

I ended up giving him my answers, which wasn't really my intention but...I guess I can be quite a softie, sometimes.

I fell asleep imaging Darren's charming face. How cheesy of me. I know.


Hi again!

Thanks for reading!

I hope this was interesting. Tell me your favourite part. I liked it when she was fake writing and the part when Darren said playing Romeo and Juliet stlye, that was funny.

Oh, right and what did you think of Darren? Alex? Any ship names so far?

Anyway, I would love feedback, that's if you have any!

Thanks again! I'll update as soon as possible!

Yellow_Scarf ^__^

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