No Secrets

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-Chapter 6-

Once we were out of Darren's sight I let go of Alexander's hand.

'Sorry, did I hurt you?' I said, realising that his hand is bright red because of how hard I held it.

'No I'm fine. I'm just worried about you. You said to meet at TBC (aka 'the breakfast club') but I didn't see you. I went out to look for you and I saw you with Darren,' he said not facing me.

'Oh that,' I said and scratched the back of my head. 'It was nothing, he just asked for homework answers but I didn't give it to him,' I smiled at Alexander to reassure him.

'I see,' he says and gives a slight smile back.

'Come let's get our books, the bell is going to go any minute now,' I said and took off to my locker place.


'Hey Alexander?' I asked after I finished chewing my sandwich.

'Yeah?' he said while eating his own lunch.

'I kind of like someone, someone I'm not meant to like,' I told him.

I didn't know why it was so easy to say it to Alexander; it took me a whole year before I told Courtney. Maybe it's because he's a boy. I'm not being sexist or anything but my gut tells me I can trust him.

He stopped chewing for a bit, kept chewing again and finally spoke, 'Is it Darren?'

I stared at him, how did he know? The only person I told was Courtney and Alexander doesn't even know Courtney yet. I wasn't going to give up yet.

'No. What made you think so?' I said in my calmest voice, trying not to show any evidence that he was actually right.

'You don't need to deny it. To be honest, it's quite obvious,' he said in a calm voice but I could tell there was a slight bit of annoyance in there.

'How do you...' I said quietly.

'Look I'm not blind nor am I stupid to not realise. When you see Darren you secretly smile. When you see him with another girl your face darkens. Not to mention what happened this morning. Just because I didn't ask you, it doesn't mean that I don't know anything. If we're friends, then I don't see why you're hiding this?' Alexander says standing up now.

'I, I didn't...' I said before I go cut off by Alexander.

'You know what, I think I need to calm down. See you in class,' Alexander says and then leaves.

Is it that obvious?

For the rest of the day Alexander didn't talk to me nor did I try to start a conversation with him. We were never like this. It made me feel kind of lonely, which wasn't normal for me. I hardly felt lonely.

What she saw in HimWhere stories live. Discover now