Brace youself

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-Chapter 13-

'I hope your mum didn't get the wrong idea,' I said not able to face Alexander.

'I'm sure she won't,' he said scratching the back of his head.

Feeling the awkwardness I decided to change the topic.

'I'll go get the cookies, they smell really nice,' I blurted letting go of the guitar and walking over to the cookies.

'I'll get the homework to work on,' he said and got off the bed too.

We began studying while eating Alexander's mum's delicious cookies. Well I ate most of the cookies anyway. Alexander claimed that his mum made then all the time so told me to eat freely, which of course made me feel much better. While doing my homework I couldn't help but remember what had happened earlier this week. When Tyler came up and started talking to me, and when Brad came to tell me the depressing truth. My heart still ached whenever I remembered. Did Darren hate me so much that he wanted to give me false hope and crush it like it was nothing? No, I shouldn't think like that, he hasn't said anything. What if he had his own reason? What if he was forced? I sighed out loud forgetting Alexander was right next to me.

'Is everything all right Mikasa? You've been acting kind of weird this week,' he asked his face worried.

I know he knows. The whole school probably knows. He's just being nice and not mentioning it to me, I know he knows.

'Mikasa?' Alexander called me again.

'Say Alexander, should I give up? I've been chasing him for like half of my life now,' I said turning to face him.

He stared at me for several seconds before answering.

'I believe that if you love someone, giving up on them is not a choice because all their flaws will be overlooked by their beauty. Mikasa you shouldn't doubt yourself or tell yourself to give up like that,' he tells me.

'You're right, it's probably all the stress I got from these assignments,' I said but deep down I wanted Alexander to tell me to give up on him, that I was silly to like someone who would never like me back.

'I wonder why mum hasn't called us down for dinner yet. Let me go ask her, you wait here,' he said and exited his room.

Wait, the cookie plate. There were no more cookies; sometimes I wonder why I have such a big appetite? I decided to catch up to Alexander and go down to put the plate in the sink. When I got down the stairs I spotted Alexander talking to his mum about something that got his face flushed. I decided it wasn't a good time to just walk in, so I decided to go back to the room when suddenly I heard my name. I wanted to stay and listen because who wouldn't? Especially when the conversation was about them.

'I thought you liked her,' Alexander's mum said while chopping some vegetables.

'I do, it's just she likes someone else,' he replied.

He likes me? Well of course he likes me, I'm his best friend. Unless...

'Oh, I see. So it's one sided love?' Alexander's mum teased.

My face suddenly turned red. My heart was racing, what would he say?

'Of course not, we're just best friends,' he snapped instantly.

I felt a sudden wave of disappointment. What was I expecting him to say, yes? Of course not, we're just friends. Nothing more, nothing less and that's how it should be. I mean I wouldn't know how to react if he said yes, he would never say yes. He knows I like Darren.

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