Breaking point

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-Chapter 15-

I went to class for first period with Alexander walking beside me. He kept on telling me the cookies were delicious but I didn't care. It was hard to concentrate on anything after what I had just witnessed. Alexander started to look worried.

'Sorry. It's just I think I'm waxed out from all the running,' I said and gave him a small smile.

Suddenly he put his hands on each side of my shoulders.

'Look at me,' he said and I did obeying.

His eyes were a soft blue, they made me calm.

'It's okay if you don't tell me what's wrong but know that I'll always be here,' he said softly.

'I know,' I replied.

I don't now why but my heart was racing, really fast.

After that, Alexander and I walked into the classroom.

I took a seat on the corner near the window with Alexander sitting on my left side. I looked and I spotted her. The girl I didn't want to spot the most is in my classroom sharpening her pencil. Mother had once told me that I shouldn't judge people at first sight but not with her. I immediately hated her at first, not only because she was making out with my crush but because she was what all girls dreamed to be. She was pretty although I haven't seen her face you could just tell from behind. Even in her uniform she looked stunning. She would be what you call the hot, sexy popular girl in clique romance stories.

That's when she turned over. It was like a slow motion movie when the main protagonist turned around except, I knew her...I knew her for five years straight...for being my best friend.


The named formed in my head in a flash even if her face was covered in makeup, her hair straightened to the max, dyed with todays trend and her clothing too exposed. I was still able to recognise her. Her eyes the colour of emeralds locked with mine for a moment. Her striking red lips forming a smile I've been seeing for over five years now and yet I couldn't help but feel that there was a huge distance between us.

She began walking over to me. Every step she took was every new question I wanted to ask her.

Why haven't you messaged me?

What happened to your hair?

What's with the clothing?

Why were you making out with my crush?

I kept the smile plastered on my face. I wasn't use to this feeling. I didn't usually jump to conclusions, what if I had misunderstood. She's been my friend for over five years now, she couldn't possibly...

'Oh Mikasa, how I've missed you,' she said and pulled me into a girl hug.

My hands were stiff on my sides, I forced them to hug her back. I could feel everyone's eyes on us, no her.

'Me too, you sure had a makeover,' I said scenting her seductive perfume, that boys would die for.

We pulled apart.

'Do you like it?' she spun around on the spot.

No, actually I don't.

'Yeah, looks different,' I replied.

Looks too different, I don't know if I know this Courtney.

Alexander suddenly walks up beside me.

'Ooh, who's this?' she said giving me a suspicious look.

'This is Alexander,' I said giving her a small smile.

What she saw in HimWhere stories live. Discover now