Meet Courtney

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-Chapter 9-

I ended up telling Alexander everything from stepping out of my house to where I am now. I felt so much better, like I was able to release a heavy burden.

After I had told him everything, we decided to go watch a movie. I mean why come here for nothing? Can you guess what movie?

Yes, it's The Maze Runner.

It was a great choice because Alexander and I had already read the all of the series. We would every so often talk to each other about how bad it was that that cropped off this bits that were in the book. We were then shushed by the people around us because we were, 'too loud.' Not that I think we were.

'We should go watch something like this again,' I said smiling at Alexander.

'Yeah, we should. Mikasa, have you ever considered that maybe Darren hadn't come at all?' he asked me softly.

'I think he did come, he probably thought I didn't want to go. I mean who would invite me and then not go, right?' I replied a smile still plastered on my face.

Although deep down, I knew Alexander could be right. I didn't want to admit it though, I could be wrong

'Yeah, I guess you have a point,' he answered, like a kid who didn't get the correct answer.

'Oh come on, I'm perfectly fine if you're worried about me,' I told him.

I couldn't see his expression because his face was mostly covered under his mop of hair. Not satisfied, I walked up to him and gently pushed his hair onto the side so I could see his blue eyes clearly.

Looking into them I said, 'I'm fine.'

He just nodded.

Satisfied I stepped back.

'I guess I'll see you on Monday,' I said and turned my back to walk away.

It was faint but as I was walking, I heard him say goodbye.

That night I couldn't sleep. I had told Alexander I was fine but I really wasn't. I kept on thinking if Darren had actually come or was he just playing me. I wanted to message him but I was scared of hearing the truth. I was scared he would say he was only playing around. So in the end I didn't bother doing anything at all so that's how I'm here now. I looked up at the ceiling, why does this bother me so much?


Someone messaged me? I wonder who would message me at this time? What if Darren messaged me asking why I didn't come? What if he messaged me to ask if I had actually gone? What is...what if...

The walk to my desk which felt like an eternity, until I picked up my phone.

What she saw in HimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang