Caught looking

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-Chapter 12-

Alexander had ended up going back to the canteen to buy food, but guess what?  There was no more hot food!  Alexander and I ended up having very cold sandwiches. I guess it was better than nothing.

It's the last day of week at school now and Darren hasn't said anything about the movies. I passed him a few times but he either didn't see me or completely ignored me. The second reason was more likely. I tried to forget what had happened that day but it's hard.

Anyhow, today will be a good day. Alexander said that his mum invited me over to have dinner. I don't know exactly how she knew me; probably Alexander had mentioned me. I can't say no...Who could possibly say no to free food? Not me. I had told mum already and she said it was alright, but she told me to behave myself. That I can do.

Alexander and I are walking to the bus station to catch the bus to his home. Yes, it was that far. I don't know why he would go to a school that makes you take the bus every morning and back. Then again, if he didn't go to this school I wouldn't have made such a great friend. I couldn't help but smile.

'What're you smiling about?' He asked me raising an eyebrow.

'Oh it's nothing,' I replied.

When the bus came we got onto the bus and Alexander took out a book form his backpack.

'What's the book?' I asked trying to look for the title.

'Reboot,' he said but keeping his eyes on the book.

'Reboot? Like Robot?' I asked.

He closed the book leaving his thumb as a bookmark and turned to face me.

'Yes, it's about robots. Actually the main protagonist Wren, she reminds me of you,' he said and stroked my hair.

I turned toward the window flushed.

Too close, way too close.

I couldn't help but wonder what this Wren is like? Is she pretty? Does she have a nice or mean personality? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

For the rest of the way to Alexanders house we didn't talk to each other. It was dead silent.

When we were at the right stop, Alexander got off with me trailing behind.

'I'm sorry about before,' he said ruffling hair after we got off the bus.

'What, I don't remember anything,' I said not making eye contact with him.

'Oh,' he said.

'So, is your mum nice?' I asked changing the topic.

What she saw in HimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang