Feeling twist

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-Chapter 16-

It has been three days straight now and Alexander hasn't said a word to me. Silent treatment really kills. It wasn't just him obviously; I didn't talk to him either. I didn't have the courage to after all, he was right. I had used him.

Today's Athletics day, what a pain. I'm not exactly the most athletic type, I'm more brains and numbers. My class and other classes from the same year level are waiting for the buses to come and take us to the Athletics ground. It always takes ages before the bus comes and the students are chatting their heads off. Usually Courtney would keep me company, looks like that's not going to happen this year.

Maybe I spoke too soon.

She's walking towards me now.

'Hey, Mikasa! Where's your Romeo?' she chirped and looked around.

The moment she said that my heart ached. She didn't say his name but I knew who she meant and it hurt.

'He's not here,' I said quietly.

'Oh, but Mikasa, you have to always keep him next to you. The guys a chick magnet, you wouldn't want some chick taking him off his feet, do you?' she chuckled to herself.

I hate how she speaks to me like she knows everything. As if taking my crush wasn't enough, now she's teaching me how to keep a boyfriend...I mean friend.

'There has been one thing that's bugging me...' I said and looked straight into her eyes.

She looked away immediately.

'What?' she asked playing with her flawless hair.

'You knew I liked him first. If you liked him too you could have told me, I would have, I would have reconsidered...maybe I would have let go so you could have him. Sometimes I wonder did you get brain washed when you went over to the America in those weeks,' I said my voice steady not leaving eye contact.

'What the hell Mikasa! Do you think I'm not capable of attracting him myself? You think I need you to give me your leftovers?' she said while scanning me head to toe looking at me in disgust.

I couldn't help feel hurt at the way she looked at me. She had never looked at me like that in our years of friendship or at least what I thought was friendship.

'Courtney that's not what I meant,' I said as calm as possible.

'What did you mean? You're saying that I stole your freaking crush when you're already going out with another guy? You cheating slut!' she spat at me.

She got it all wrong. I was never dating Alexander in the fist place; we were only friends. She wouldn't have said this if she was here to witness our friendship and she could have least told me she had a thing for Darren.

I realised that people around us were beginning to stare; trying to see what all the yelling was about. I scanned the faces for Alexander. I found him with a very attractive looking girl. She was pushing her cleavage way too close to his arm. I wanted to call out to him but what was I to him? We're not even friends. We're just strangers who use to be close.

The teacher began to call us to get on the buses. I sighed. Whatever happens I still have to get on with my life. As I'm walking up the bus Courtney pushed past me to get in first. What is wrong with her?

Argh, I think I just got an ankle sprain.

I forced my feet to keep walking until I found a spot on the bus. It's so painful. I feel like I dislocated a bone but I know it's not that serious. I looked down at it, it looked perfectly fine yet it feels so bad. I began massaging hoping the pain would go away.

'Do you mind if I sit here?' a guys voice asked but I could hardly hear him because the bus sounded like an amusement park.

Who the hell asked that these days?


I looked up immediately.

My eyes locked with his.

I nodded my head slowly; it feels like an eternity since you've talked to me.

I wonder why he chose to sit next to me? What happened to the too close cleavage girl? Is he not angry at me anymore?

'There were no more spots on the bus, you don't mind right?' he asked.

'Actually, I do,' I answered and we both began cracking up.

I still remember that day when Alexander had asked me the exact same thing.

'Shall I move somewhere else then?' he asked raising an eyebrow.

I couldn't help but find it sexy. What are you thinking? Quit those lewd thoughts!

Then suddenly I haven't realised but now after I had let go of my ankle it began to hurt again.

I winced and realised Alexander was there and tried to cover it up with a smile.

'Mikasa, is your ankle alright?' he asked staring at it and I realised my hand had found its way towards it again.

So stupid of me. There's no way of hiding it now.

'Yeah, I kind of hurt it before,' I said massaging it again.

'It's going to take you years if you keep massaging like that,' he chuckled.

'Well, you think you can do better?' I challenged him.

Where did I get this sudden confidence?

He took my leg and put it on lap as he took the seat next to me and began massaging my ankle.

I was kind of shocked actually.

I looked at his concentrated face. It was so familiar and comforting. I could watch him all day and not get bored of it. Argh, Mikasa there you go again. He's you friend for goodness sakes.

'It feels good,' I said and he began to blush.

Why was he blushing? Then I realised what I had just said. Oh god, I didn't mean it that way!


So how was this chapter?

Looks like Mika's feelings have come to quite a turn!

I'll be updating the next chapter soon and it'll be at the Athletics ground. Time to take some action!

I'll see you soon,


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