Hope and dissapointment

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-Chapter 11-

It was lunchtime and Alexander said he would treat me to lunch for saving him from the girls. I told him it was okay but he kept saying he should so now here I am walking into the cafeteria with Alexander.

I passed the spot where I had hugged Alexander so that the teacher wouldn't catch us. Memories flooded back. I turned to look at him and he was looking at me, we both turned away embarrassed because we were caught looking at each other. It also proved that we still remember that moment, that very awkward moment.

'Alexander, three words, eight letter and I'm yours,' I told him jokingly.

His face flushed.

'Oh come on, don't tell me you have no idea,' I chuckled.

His face flushed even more.

'No? It's I buy food,' I said.

'Oh,' he replied.

'Weren't you going to treat me? I'm starving here,' I said jokingly.

'Yeah, I'll go now,' he said and went into the line.

I couldn't help but feel eyes staring at us the whole time. I mean it wasn't because of me, it's obviously Alexander who was catching the attention. We tried to blend in but it was hard for Alexander because he's really tall, compared to me anyway.

Sigh, I'm really hungry now.

'Hey Mikasa,' Tyler one of Darren's friends calls me.

'What do you want?' I said coldly.

'What do you mean what do I want? I only wanted to say hi,' he said flashing his smile, girls would die to see.

'You always want something, spit it,' I snapped.

'Ok, ok you got me,' he replied putting his hands up in surrender.

'That's better,' I said.

'So, how was the movies? What did you watch?' he asked me, actually sounding curious.

Too bad curiosity killed the cat. But how did he know that Darren had invited me to Hoyts? Did Darren tell him or did he just force the guy into telling him? I try to be optimistic.

I have to answer smart no matter what. Stay calm Mikasa. Darren must have told him I didn't come or in other words I had come late.

'I didn't make it,' I said calmly.

'Oh really? But you were intending to come right?' he asked raising an eyebrow.

What did he mean? Was I intending to come? Of course I was. Why would he ask that?

'He meant, did you actually fall for the dare? Man Tyler, you didn't have to be that nice, I would've just asked her nice and easy,' Brad said walking up to Tyler and slapping him on the back.

They gave each other a guy handshake, completely ignoring my existence.

Did he just say dare? What dare? I must have hearing problems, I giggled inside. I decided to ask him.

'What do you mean? Did you say something about dare?' I asked, trying not to sound desperate.

'Mikasa, what were you thinking? Did you actually think that Darren would actually invite a girl like you on a date? No it was only to watch a movie but guess what? We dared him to choose one of the nerds in the school and guess who he chose?' he chuckled to himself.

'You!' Tyler and Brad said in unison.

It felt like my heart had stopped.

'Talking about Darren. The guys not here today, probably too ashamed to face you,' Brad said.

I feel like I'm going to cry.

'Mikasa you thought Darren was going to come, didn't you?' he asked looking at me.

I can't take it anymore. Not wanting Brad and Tyler having the satisfaction of seeing me cry I ran out the cafeteria. I wasn't paying attention before but it looked like everyone in the cafeteria had heard the conversation I had between the boys. Looks like there's going to be a new rumour for people to talk about.

I close my eyes while I'm running to I don't even know where. Tears roll down my eyes, I wipe them away quickly so it wouldn't catch people's attention.

Where should I go?

Somewhere safe from the eyes of people in this school.

I know exactly where.

I ran to the spot and wrapped myself in a ball.

Tears flowed freely down my eyes and this time I didn't bother to wipe them off. I should have known. I shouldn't have been so stupid thinking that Darren had actually invited me to watch a movie. I was being my optimistic self not realising the consequences. I shouldn't have given hope into something that was never going to happen. If I didn't hope, I wouldn't be in so much pain right now. I clutched my shirt to where my heart was.

How many times?

'I'm sorry. I can't help it. It has been three years and I can't forget him,' I talk to myself, my voice croaky through all my tears.

'Don't forget then but let's do this together,' a voice that belonged to no other than Alexander.

He was standing just outside the gap between the locker and the building, where yesterday we were squashed up.

Yes, that's where I'm hiding.

'You found me,' I said smiling weakly.

'It was only a guess but it looks like you're actually here,' he said softly.

I nodded. His words were so honest and pure. I felt weak at this moment, this wasn't usually me. I was usually the strong one. What happened to the strong-willed girl?

'I know what your thinking Mikasa. You can cry all you want but you'll always be the strong, and friendly girl who accepted the weird me as her friend,' he kneeled down in front of me.

I didn't know what to say.

I just stared into his glimmering blue eyes. They gave me hope, that not everything was bad. Tears started falling again. This time it was tears of joy. I was so happy. I feel like I've just got the best present for Christmas ever.

It was Alexander.

He put out his hand and I didn't hesitate to wrap it with mine.

His hand are warm.

He smiled.

I frowned.

He frowned too.

'Where's the food?' I whispered even though it wasn't necessary.

His face went from clam to alarmed.

Oh no, he did not just forget my food...


Hello guys!

I'm back! Miss me?

Did you like this part? Well you got to know something didn't you? :}

If you have any feedback feel free!

Thanks for reading,


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