We stared at the girls in shock and awe as they glided across the floor, their dresses creating an aura of elegance and enchantment.

Zuko was the first one to say something , his voice filled with admiration.

"Wow, you both look absolutely stunning!" he exclaimed, unable to take his eyes off the two enchanting figures before him.

As for me, I could only manage a nod, still captivated by the ethereal beauty that surrounded us.

While Cal and Atlas hooted and hollered in appreciation, their excitement filled the room.

This whole time, my eyes were on Lenna without knowing that I had been holding my breath.

I smacked myself, reminding myself that I was supposed to be disgusted by her presence. But as much as I tried to convince myself of that, I couldn't help but be drawn to her. The way her eyes sparkled with mischief and her smile lit up the room. It was as if she had cast a spell on me, making me forget all the reasons why I should stay away.

I turned around, trying to hide my blush and regain control of my racing heart. I couldn't let myself be captivated by her charm. It was dangerous, a risk I couldn't afford to take. But as I glanced over my shoulder, catching another glimpse of her radiant smile, my resolve wavered.

God no.. Why was she so goddamn beautiful? It was unfair how effortlessly she seemed to command attention, how she effortlessly stole the breath from my lungs.

I coughed, making everyone look at me, including her.

"I'll go change. Even you all should. We need to pay for the clothes and actually start with our mission," I said, my voice sounding more confident than I felt. I turned away from her, desperately trying to regain control of my racing heart. As I made my way towards the exit, I couldn't help but steal one last glance at her. Her eyes met mine for a brief moment, a flicker of amusement dancing in their depths, before she turned away, her attention already captured by someone else in the room.

I immediately rushed to the fitting room to change out of the clothes I had tried on.

I fumbled with the buttons of the shirt I had just put on, my mind replaying the moment our eyes had locked. I groaned and smacked my head on the mirror in frustration. How could I be so clumsy?

My heart raced even faster, a mix of embarrassment and longing flooding my veins.

No, Matteo, remember what happened to Mom?

Do you want to be like your dad? I thought to myself as I continued to struggle with the buttons.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked just like him. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the haunting memories that threatened to consume me. But as I examined my reflection, I couldn't deny the resemblance. The same strong jawline, the same piercing gaze I had always tried to distance myself from him, to be my own person. Yet here I stood, a carbon copy of the man I had spent years resenting.

I love you and your mom so much.

The words echoed in my head as I continued to stare at my reflection.

I had spent so much of my life trying to escape his shadow, trying to prove that I was different, that I was better. But now, faced with the undeniable evidence in the mirror, I couldn't help but question if I had truly succeeded. The memories flooded back, like a tidal wave crashing over me.

Tears ran down my eyes, and it became difficult to breathe as the weight of my emotions threatened to suffocate me. How had I come to this point of uncertainty, where my own identity felt blurred and intertwined with his? I had spent years building walls and pushing against the expectations and comparisons that came with sharing his bloodline.

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