"Oh quiet. I'm fine. Plus I need the fresh air." Jin says with a smile, taking a deep breath.

"You do keep him in the house to much." Jungkook says, who was driving as Namjoon was sitting in the back.

"For safety!" Namjoon said.

"Okay and? Jin knows how to take care of himself. If he can shot a gun.. he is perfectly fine." Jungkook says, making Jin smile.

"Thank you, Jungkook." Jin says only to Namjoon left out a sign as he rubbed his forehead with his hands and fall back into the seat.

"I can't believe you are 7 months already." Jungkook said and Jin looked down at his pregnant belly.

"Me either. In 2 months, a little baby will be around." Jin says as he rub his belly as Jungkook smiled.

"I want to be one of the first to hold the baby!" Jungkook says, excited making Jin chuckle.

"You will be. Calm down." Jin says, making Jungkook chuckle as he can keep his eyes on the road, being careful as he had Jin who is pregnant with him in the car.

Jin is the closest thing that Jungkook has to a real parent after his and Yugyeom's mom left to go to New York to take care of her parents when Jungkook was 16 and and Yugyeom was 15. Jin took both of the brothers in like his real little brothers and when Jungkook hit 13 and Yugyeom hit 12 and Jin was 15 that's when Jin really started to treat Jungkook like a son. Jungkook's mom was like Jimin's dad, didn't really care about work really but still did it and she didn't care that Jin would call himself Jungkook and Yugyeom's mom as Jin did help her raise the two boys. Every nonday night, Yugyeom and Jungkook call their mom to talk to her and see how she as been as they both really miss her and she misses her son's as well.

"Jimin is going to be so excited. I'm so excited!" Jin says, making both Jungkook and Namjoon smile.

"Clam down before you pee yourself." Jungkook says, joking with Jin.

"Hey! I have a baby in me! I can't help but pee a lot! They are close to my blatter!" Jin says as Jungkook laughed.

"But you are right. For like the pass 5 months all Jimin had been saying that he wants a dog." Jungkook says as he pulled up to a red light.

"Really? That long?" Namjoon ask and Jungkook nodded his head.

"Yeah and he has been having a hard time at school so I am hoping this cheers him up." Jungkook says as Jin and Namjoon both smile, nodding their hands.

"Oh it definitely will." Jin says, agreeing with Jungkook, making Jungkook smile a little then his phone went off, making him look to see that it was actually Jimin calling him.

"Yes Jimin?" Jungkook ask, he held his phone to his ear.

"Where are you?" Jimin ask.

"Driving. Why what's up?" Jungkook ask.

"Nothing but I am hungry." Jimin whined a little, letting out a sign.

"Well I am going to be home in like a hour if you want to wait for me to pick some dinner up." Jungkook says as the light turned green, making him start to drive.

"Yeah I will wait. I will have a snack while I wait." Jimin says as Jungkook can hear him walking down the stairs.

"Okay. You want your usual? Kimchi Jjigae with chicken?" Jungkook ask

"Yes please. Chicken sounds really good right now." Jimin said and Jungkook chuckle as he keep his eyes on the road.

"Okay I will make sure I will get your chicken and tell yugyeom to text me what he wants."

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