52|Grow Old Together

Start from the beginning

Seb's face softened and I began to think of my mom.

What if I end up like her? He has to be here!

"It's ok," Seb told me. "We are going to call Italy right now and they're going to tell us that Enzo is right here waiting on us."

I nodded my head as he picked up his phone.

He dialled a couple of numbers but no one picked up.

For each person he called, my heart started beating faster and my hope became less.

I could tell Seb felt the same way because his smile faded more and more after each unanswered call.

"Hello?" A voice answered as Seb immediately jolted up.

"Yes, Luis!" He said excited. "Where is Enzo? Is everything okay down there?"

There was silence.

"Luis?" Seb asked.

"Mr. Sebastian, no one here is alive," he said and I immediately felt a pit in my stomach. "I barely made it out alive."

"What about-what about Enzo?" Seb struggled to ask.

"I don't see him. He either got out or is somewhere here," he said. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you, Luis," Seb said before hanging up and turning to me. "He is definitely heading over to Romano's."

"We have to go find him," I said.

Seb shook his head. "We can't. Enzo gave an order."

"Forget his order!" I shouted. "We need to find him."

"I can't do that."

I grabbed him by his throat and started to choke him.

"We're going on that plane right now and you're going to take me to see my husband," I said firmly.

This isn't the end for us.

It can't be.

I have to tell him how I really feel.

When I didn't say I love you back, I could see the instant hurt in his eyes.

The way how his shoulders dropped a little from disappointment and how his hands slowly shook.

It wasn't obvious but I noticed.

"Please," I begged him as I cried again.

I stopped strangling Sebastian and waited for his decision.

I was leaving with or without him.

Over the past few months, Enzo has become my daily routine. I can't live without him.

Seb shook his head as he sighed. "If you get hurt just know I'm never speaking to you again."

I smiled as I hugged him. "Thank you!"

"Whatever, go get your things while I call the pilot."

I quickly ran upstairs and gathered my stuff.

I closed my eyes as another memory invaded my mind as I closed my bedroom door.

We both laid on our backs as we gazed at the stars on a blanket spread on the grass.

I pointed to one of the stars. "That's Sirius."

He turned to look at me. "How do you know so much about this stuff?"

I turned to look at him. "I don't know. I guess I got bored after Haze became a teenager."

He stretched out his hand and brushed it against my hair. "You're so cute."

I blushed a little at his compliment.

"We're supposed to be looking at stars, Enzo," I said before turning back.

"I am," he said and I immediately turned back to him.

"What?" He asked me with a smile.

I loved when he smiled. He had the sweetest smile ever.

His smile was genuine and made you feel warm and cozy.

I was happy that he doesn't smile at others because I would get jealous.

Apparently it was contagious because I started to smile too.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked me and all I could do was shake my head.

He stopped smiling. "I had a dream last night."

I inched myself closer to him. "What was it about?"

"Romano was dead and I lived on a large estate. You were there and you were hugging me as we watched our dog running around with a toy in his mouth. It was nice. I wanted it to be real."

"It can be," I told him. "I'm sure we can find a dog that likes running around with a toy."

He laughed before shaking his head.

"Elianna, I want to grow old with you."

I smiled as my heart melted. "I want to grow old with you too."

"You do?" He asked and I nodded.

I smiled again before I crashed my lips onto his.

"I thought we were supposed to be looking at stars?" He joked and I smiled before climbing on top of him.


"We're going to grow old together," I told myself as I opened my eyes and started my journey back to Italy.

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