Chapter 18. The Call

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Ruby's POV

The girls continue to question me about my brief interaction with Dax. 

"Are you going to go out with him?" Alice asks me. 

"He hasn't asked me anything yet," I tell her looking at the rack of clothing.

"Well, when he does what will you say?" She presses on. 

"I would say yes. But once again nothing has even happened I haven't even texted him yet." I remind her while I move to another rack. 

"Well, you should text him. Right now." She nods her head punctuating her point. 

I shake my head and walk away from her. I look around the store before hiding away in the corner of the store. I open my phone and go to my contacts to see 'Dax the hottest guy ever' is now in my phone. 

I smile and go to text him so that at least he has my number. 

Before I can click the button I get a phone call. It's a number I don't know but I like to mess with telemarketers so I answer. 

"Hello," I say happily into the phone. 

"You may have gotten away but you only get so many chances." A robotic voice speaks sounding emotionless. I look around seeing the three bodyguards standing near me. 

"Who are you?" I ask still looking around. 

"The next time I get a hold of you and your sisters will be the last time you ever see your family. You four will die a painful death in agony. And then I will have my revenge." The line goes dead. 

I take a few seconds to breathe and collect myself before I have a breakdown in the middle of this department store. 

I go and find one of my friends, I come across Maeve first. 

"Hey Maeve I'm sorry but my dad just called and I need to get home," I tell her. 

"Oh, man. That sucks we'll have to get together again. I'll tell the girls where you went."

"Thank you so much." I smile as real as I can. 

I walk away from her and go towards the closest bodyguard. 

"We need to go home now," I tell him seriously. He speaks into a hidden microphone and soon the others surround me and we make our way out of the mall. 

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