Chapter 33. It's Over

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William's POV

The vans stopped just a hundred yards from the building housing Bradley. We all got out and Wilson reiterated the plan for everyone and made sure everyone knew where they were going. 

I nodded for Oliver to come with me around the back. We would be among the group entering first. Jess spoke into my earpiece that she was watching us. 

Baxter put his hand on the door handle and signaled us that on the count of three, we would be going in. He opened the door and I walked in first. My gun was raised high as I surveyed the room. I was empty in here. 

We continued to walk inside all of the guns raised staying as quiet as we could. I nodded towards Baxter and he called for the Bravo team to come in. We continued to look around for Bradley. According to the security cameras, he was still here from this morning. 

I could hear the door squeak open as the team entered. They continued on their own surveying until he met up with us. We all looked at each other as we realized no one had any idea where Bradley was. 

The hair on my neck stood up. I looked around up towards the ceiling. The glisten of a rifle's barrel caught my attention. 

"Get Down!" Bradley started to open fire on the catwalk. The lack of lightning and windows in the building made it impossible to see his body. The only way we knew he was moving around was the direction of his bullets. 

I brought my gun in front of my face trying to aim in the general direction of Bradley. I took the first shot, and soon my guys started to follow my lead and shot in Bradely's direction. 

Bradley's gun ran out of bullets first. I motioned for the guys to hold their fire. We still had no idea where he was and I wasn't about to waste everyone's bullets firing towards nothing. 

"Bradley just come out and make this easier on us," I yelled into the dark air. 

"No, I think I'm good." His voice echoed off the walls. 

"Bradley just come out before I have my guys burn this place down with you inside." I threaten him. 

"Maybe that's my plan. Lure you all into my house, trap you here. Kill you all and then go after the girls."

"What's your end game here, Bradley?" Oliver asked him. 

"Nothing besides your destruction." 

"And then after. Do you think no will come after you?" I could see Oliver's head tilt. 

"With you dead, there will be no Bertinelli empire to come after me." 

"Yeah, you think so. We have a bigger family than just us. You kill us then you have to kill the Italian mafia and family as well. Then you have to deal with the allies of both families coming after you. Do you really think that you can take on all of those families? All of those that will have your name and your family's names?" Oliver tells him. 

I look over to see one of my guys heading towards the staircase. I look over at Oliver to see that he too saw it. 

"I can run for years. I've made it this far on my own." Bradley gloats. 

"Then tell me this Bradley. Why? What was the motivation for this all? Was it because a 15-year-old girl was able to kick your ass? Maybe because Ruby was able to move on so quickly after you?" Oliver taunts the kid. 

"Your family ruined everything. We had everything before you happened."

"Really, what did we do? Did we kill your daddy? Maybe you om left after Dad owed too much money to us, huh? Is that it? You blame our family for your family's problems." 

"My dad was a lawyer. He was great but then you had to get messy with one of your kills. He was representing the family of the poor bastard you murdered, he was humiliated in court when the jury took two minutes to decide you were innocent because of your lawyer. He could never get another case and we went bankrupt. My mom left and my dad started to drink." Bradley had started to give us his life sorry. 

It's inevitable. Everyone who thinks they have the upper hand will tell the story of their lives hoping for more time to. Make the pain of the enemy's death more drawn out. I looked over at the men to see that the guy had successfully made his way up the metal stairs. He was slowly making his way towards Bradley. 

"I was planning how to end your family for months. Plans of hurting the twins in school or staging an accident came to mind but then you had to bring in the quadruplets. Four innocent girls were brought into the devilish family. I was originally going to befriend all of them and then hurt them, but Ruby made it so easy. She was an attention-deprived girl who was more than willing to sleep with the golden boy of the school." 

I clench my teeth as he talks about my daughter. 

"She was just so easy. Look at how fast she moved on. Already buying whorish lingerie for her new boy toy. Don't worry she'll be over him in a few weeks and then onto to the next one." I look over to see the moving shadow of my guy. He's close. 

"So you did all of this just because your dad was a loser." Oliver sums up the month-long plan and four-minute-long speech into one 15-second sentence. 

"No, I did it since your family ruined mine!" He yelled with a small voice crack towards the end. 

After everything he's done. Hired out a separate gang that almost killed my daughters and son. Had two of my girls kidnapped. Evaded my operation for weeks, and kept himself hidden. He was smart in all of his actions, but towards the end he got cocky. With his success growing he got sloppy, so he stopped covering his tracks and stopped taking precautions. 

His lack of details it clear that he was an amateur. His childish ways were clear in some of his actions, reminding me that he was only a teenager. A teenager who had done awful things and tried to kill my family. 

His lack of experience showed in the slight details of his plan. His plan was to pay the gang for the kidnapping but who was going to stop them from backstabbing him? What was he going to do after, be on the run for the rest of his life? 

We heard one lone shot, then a body drop. A voice rang out among our mics and in the air.

"He's dead." 

I look over at Oliver and motion for him to follow me. We make our way up the stairs and walk over to Baxter standing over the body of Bradley. One single gunshot to the back of the head. 

"Good job," I tell Baxter. He nods. 

We stayed at the warehouse for another hour cleaning up. We dispose of the body and the spent shells. We managed to find all of Bradley's surveillance he had done on the girls. I have them take it all back with us and go through it. If it is possible for Bradley to have any kind of outside help I want to know. 

We load up and head back to the house. Jake and Blake ask us questions about what happened but we ignore them. Just cause I let them come doesn't mean I wanted them to come. Those boys are the more persistent of my kids. If I told them no they would have only followed us and gotten themselves in more trouble. 

We make it home to find the girls waiting for us. All five of the girls ran to us hugging each of us. 

"Is it over?" Jessica asks me. 

"Yeah, it's over," I tell them. 

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