Chapter 2. The Afterparty

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Third Person POV

Red and blue lights painted the walls and sirens pierced the air. 

Paramedics rushed inside the venue. They took care of the most injured first and loaded them up taking them to the hospital. 

The less injured were attended to by firefighters as they waited. 

Oliver stood with his brothers Milo, Levi, and Jake. They looked around waiting for their other family to find them. 

As they waited they saw six paramedics wheel out three gurneys filled with their siblings. 

Their dad rushed out clothing his shoulder and an EMT followed after him.

"Sir please I have to look at your shoulder please." The lady tried to reason with the man. 

"I need to go see my children."

"Sir-" Oliver cut the woman off. 

"Ma'am let me take him to the hospital and you can finish up here with someone else." the lady paused before agreeing with him. 

"Dad, can you find everyone else and tell them where we went?" Wiliam looked to his father who nodded and went back inside.  Liam was one of the few who wasn't injured in the firefight. 

Oliver gathered his brothers and Dad and drove them all to the hospital his family was taken to. 

They all walked inside first going to the desk. 

The nurse there quickly asked them what was wrong seeing the blood covering all of them. 

"Bertinelli our dad needs his shoulder looked at and we have three siblings who were just brought in," Oliver explained to the woman. 

"Of course sir you could please go to room four over there someone will be there shortly to check on you and an update on your siblings." They all nodded and helped their dad into the room. 

They saw William down on the bed and waited around the room.  A first came in and helped William take his shirt off and addressed his wound. 

"Luckily the bullet went clean through. I just had to stitch it up. The doctor will be in a few minutes to check on everything and write you a pain and antibiotic medicine." She left and sure enough, a doctor came in about thirty minutes later.

"Could we get an update on our siblings?" The doctor looked at the chart before nodding to them and left the room. 

They all left the room and waited in the patient waiting room. 

"Bertinelli." A male nurse called out looking into the waiting room. 

They all stood up and made their way towards them. 

"Alright so I see you have a few Bertinelli family members here so which ones are you more concerned about?"

"Blake, Riley, and Rory," Oliver told him, releasing that his cousins were also hurt.

"Rory was shot in her lower abdomen. The bullet hit her intestines. She is currently in surgery to get the bullet removed but everything is going fine right now. Riley was grazed on her left bicep."

"When paramedics brought her in she was unresponsive and she was still asleep. We believe it was either from shock or a panic attack."

"why would she have a panic attack?" Levi asked the nurse.

"the medic said she was found with a young man with her. Do you know if she has a personal connection to him?"

"Her boyfriend," Jake answered, knowing who he was talking about since he found Riley and Ashton.

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